Monday, June 4, 2012

What It Means to Be Chosen – It’s in the Torah

“Chosen,” doesn’t reflect whether or not one is choosing, but reflects that one has the burden of having been chosen for something by Gd.  Exodus is clear that the Jews were chosen by Gd to receive the Torah.  That Jews have Torah means that Jews have a tremendous money maker, and a burden.  The Bible is the all-time best seller among all books.  Because the Bible is such a tremendous money maker, it usually means that Jews have an easier time becoming wealthy, and likewise usually Jews are noted as having superior digit spanning intelligence required for financial calculations.  The problem is that some Jews do not realize their full power, which has caused the martyrdom of some very useful people through denial of finances due to lesser digit spanning capability.  That is, when people start getting martyred because they can’t do financial math though they have much to contribute, then when the Jews have financial power a manslaughter occurs, such that the Jews are asked to relocate.

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