1:1 IMHO, YHWH is outside of creation. YHWH is neither a he nor a she, in that He has no genitalia. YHWH is not an it, either in that YHWH is without gender. YHWH is a He in that I know Him by His voice, which at times speaks to me through creation, such as the walls. That is YHWH speaks to me through hallucinations. My understanding is my knowledge of YHWH's spit, of which all the universe is composed of. My wisdom is that He, YHWH, is concealed within all of creation, as a spark of Light, greater than all of creation, of which everything that is created derives from light that is brighter than the brightest sun, and darkness that is darker than night, but not less than understanding, of which she is a power or strength equal to Him. His daylight is as the mercy of all creation, such that through mercy there may be sin and forgiveness of sin. His darkness is His judgment. Judgment, she disciplines Him. Alex informed me that, "It is darking," and it is such that the pathways to sin all lead to the word It.
1:2 God is what we conceive Gd to be. Psalms 18:3 (a Psalm of David JPS 1917 corrected translation) YHWH is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; in Him I take refuge; my shield, and my horn of salvation, my high tower.
1:3 Sky, whether black as night, or bright as day is His breath, derivatives of His 10 utterances that created creation. Matter is His spit, flung thought the universe of His breath.
1:4 Essence, spirits, air, cleaners, water, there are earthly things through which we may fathom Him, as he is on the outside of creation though He sustains creation from law and order, which are as the forms of matter, while He is the spark within that sustains matter, through expansion and contraction of imaginary coordinates on the dimensions of the Cartesian plane. Thus, it is such that chords like Gsus may be added to create suspense, and Gsus may be juxtaposed to Gadd4 to create a sense of exhausted suspense, while a G chord is an intermediate that stable, and may be stacked in various ways like all other ways. Thus, it is such that when one plays a chord, there are many ways, such as various triads, and some choices are more harmonious with creation than others, as we worship Him, the one who stabilizes creation, preventing it from returning to chaos, for in the beginning, before there was tension, God created time. Thus, it is such that a G chord or any other chord always has varying degrees of stability, via things such as expansions, and contractions, and thus it is that even in a stable universal chord, there is tension in the way that a chord may be played on wires with relatively high tension.
1:5 A wise teacher of music teaches his student about the chord Gsus. He teaches that a Gsus is composed of intervals, but the defining aspect of a Gsus chord is that the third with respect to the root note is raised to be a 4th, and thus it is such that I have made a mistake and Gsus is really Gadd4, and what I meant to say is that Gadd2 is a chord of relief in comparison to Gsus. In this situation, the location of ideas such as intervals in relation to the root note of a chord are commonly described in a plethitude of other books. The idea of intervals was first introduced by Pythagoras, and uses standard Pythagorean tuning. However, Pythagorean tuning is not the only type of tuning. For example, a good guitarist can play his guitar while it is out of tune and make it sound good.
1:6 Though Gsus, Gadd2, Gmaj7, G9, G major 7, and G minor, etc, are all G chords, due to the nature of tension it is impossible to be completely in tune though most people would be in agreement, especially as young musicians that being in tune sounds better than being out of tune. Yet, as one approaches being in tune due to the factor of Brownian motion absolute perfect pitch is not possible, and it is such that one may only approach perfect pitch. Then, when the wisdom of the Gsus chord is within understanding, then it is probably a good idea to play a different chord, such as a C chord, where one remains in the key of G, and C major is the 4th chord of Ionian modal playing. There are also other modes, other keys, other scales and much more to learn if one is to master the symphony of the universe, where all that I know around me is musical, from birds to waves of water crashing on the beach it is because in the beginning that God created time that this symphony was initiated.
1:7 It has been said that absolute zero, also known as zero degrees Kelvin is the point at which molecular motion stops, such that there is theoretically no temperature below absolute zero possible, but later it was found that it is possible to get colder than absolute zero, and since the thermodynamics of temperature are possible to be described through Brownian motion, it is necessary that some Brownian motion exists at absolute zero and even at temperatures below it. Thus, it is such that absolute zero as far as we know Kelvin’s absolute zero is a myth and that we can only approach reasoning about it, a true absolute zero, through limits which are usually taught in Calculus 101, though to be precise, limit reasoning is not calculus itself, but rather the style of reasoning that caused the arrival at the idea of calculus as a description of the universe, which so far as I know is infinite in every way, such that calculus in an infinite number of dimensions is incapable of accurately describing the universe in the most absolute sense, as calculus is subject to the Cartesian plane, but the universe is subject to more than that which Cartesian coordinates can describe. For example, there are problems with the concept of division, which is described elsewhere in my writing. Through the concept of reasoning of the existence of limits, that is how Sir Isaac Newton arrived at the concept of calculus reasoning, which by itself is incapable of accurately describing all there is to know.
1:8 The reason that the idea of division fails upon logical examination was pointed out by a Greek philosopher. Though Greek philosophy is supposed to be logical, and division is an accepted part of mathematical logic, one find that in order to run a marathon one must first run half the distance. The next time half of this distance is traveled, the amount of travel is only half as much. This pattern of first traveling half the distance has the consequence that one is unable to run the marathon according to logic. This same proof could be used with the idea of dividing by 4, as in first one must travel a quarter of the distance. Thus, though the distance may have 2 halves or 4 quarters, it is impossible to get there if division is in fact a logical property of numbers, and yet it does seem to be possible to describe the world by division. For my on this, see my blog on the physics of the Holy of Holies.
1:9 Thus, it is such that a black hole, with respect to the concept of a cosmic black hole, darkness does not emit, but ammunicates its desires through Brownian motion.
1:10 Thanks for the correction though I don’t know where it came from in order that I might give credit. I was unfamiliar that there is such a word a ammunicates, and I INTENDED to write communicates, but that would not have been as accurate. Thus, we can know black holes exist through units of matter being vacuumed up by them. Ammunicates would thus be a lack of communication, where the prefix “a” means without. Thus, while communication involves coupling, ammunication involves decoupling.
1:11 Thus, if we shoot units to a place where they collapse, in a vacuum, that is the definition of a black hole, of which the greatest of all black holes is subject to Gd. Likewise, the greatest of all suns and possibly brighter objects is also subject to Gd. I, myself, am a tan intermediate between the darkest of the dark and the lightest of the light. The motion of the darkest dark is to vacuum. The motion of the lightest light is to emit. For example, a sun emits photons in waves, and that is how the sun illuminates the earth, as far as we know. Thus, the way a black hole darks, to use a word my son made up, is through not emitting at all. Thus, it is such that the concept of zero is created, where zero is between absolute darkness and absolute darkness. However, absolute darkness is unknowable, except that it is a place that does not emit, and absolute light is not knowable either, because of its variability.
1:12 However, though zero is between the darkest dark and the darkest dark, that is only according to both the theologian Calvin, and the scientist Kelvin. This zero incorrectly does not take into account the existence of negative numbers. Thus, it is such that according to my definition of zero, black holes subtract from this zero, while light emits from infinity to zero, at which point if it gets to zero, then, the light may be captured by darkness via vacuum.
1:13 Thus, darkness may be described by the nature of the vacuum it emits. And, light may be described by the darkness it changes.
1:14 This paradox is described in the phenomena of ox/redox reactions in chemistry 101, defining the terms oxidation, and reduction, and what is an oxidizing agent, and what is a reducing agent.

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Monday, June 11, 2012
Unlocking the Secrets of the Gsus Chord
G chord,
insane rambling,
outside of creation,
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