Monday, March 5, 2012

Social Intelligence

Many people think that the person who is the center of attention has the greatest social intelligence.  That is not true, as sociopaths, a diagnosable and almost untreatable personality disorder, are often charismatic.  Hitler was charismatic, but his social intelligence was deplorable.  Hitler was often the center of attention, but his social intelligence was deplorable.
Social intelligence is something that is desirable.  People that don’t have it are often in prison.  Bernie Madoff could see things from other people’s perspectives, but because he didn’t use it for good, he was not intelligent.  So, what is good?  I have to define that before I start.
The definition of good is doing that which is most correct to the best of one’s ability, otherwise known as good deeds.  There is forgiveness for those that act their best.  However, there is punishment for those that try their hardest.  That is, social intelligence does not require for one to try their hardest.  Therefore, doing one’s best and trying as hard as one can are not the same thing.
People that are socially intelligent are nice, and see judgment and ethics as being very important.  They also know when to be merciful.
Many people that are socially intelligence have written works that far outlast their generation.  The authors of the Bible were socially intelligent.  Plato was socially intelligent.  Plato often didn’t even put himself first in his works.  His works were usually about Socrates.  And, though Plato was a philosopher, and most learned individuals would consider him the important philosopher, being a philosopher does not make one socially intelligent, as there can be knowledge of good and evil.
The socially intelligent person turns the evil into good by doing good deeds, while the person that creates knowledge of evil for its own sake is not socially intelligent.  That is, even if there is seemingly nothing redeemable about a situation or a person, a socially intelligent person can say, look at that guy, he does evil, therefore, his time of judgment will eventually come.  Thus, though a socially intelligent person may not able to redeem the evil person himself, he can at least use that person as an example that in the battle of good and evil, where good always wins eventually.  It may take many, many years, but good wins eventually.
People that are socially intelligent are those that will call someone and be nice, without asking or expecting anything in return, even though it means that they are calling someone who is not a social butterfly or even popular, and the socially intelligent person is able to put a smile on his or her face, knowing that he or she has done a good deed.
Though a socially intelligent person is not a villain, he or she can act the role of a villain, if it is required that someone play that role.  Devil’s advocates are important too!  Being a good devil’s advocate requires social intelligence.
People who are socially intelligent don’t see themselves as needing to be the greatest hero.  Someone who is socially intelligent would more likely try to be the best fan.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Money and Idol Worship: In God We Trust.

I don’t have a traditional job.  I just go about my days and nights as a free man, usually working hard to simply do good deeds with the attitude that the favor is generally returned.  I can’t think of how many people would tell me to get a real job.  You know a job that pays!  These folk tell me, “It’s not work unless you bring home a paycheck.”  They tell me that I am not a this or that because I don’t have a degree, etc.
So, what is more important money or God?  Is Gd simply a way for people to get money?  I would imagine rather many people would vehemently defend their faith in Jesus, but then when they hear that I usually work far more than 40hrs a week, but receive no money directly for my services, they tell me that I don’t have a job.  They tell me I am unemployed.  What’s more, they tell me that I am not providing for my family.  What gives?
The take home message that these people are saying is that one does not live by the grace of Gd, but that they live because they take home a paycheck.  They are idolaters.  To them, money equates to Gd because they would put aside Gd first before they put aside their paying job.  Given the choice between a paycheck and bills that say, “In God We Trust,” the fool laughs at me and thinks I am naïve for fearing Gd, and not having much concern over my financial situation.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Review of Night by Elie Wiesel ***** A heart wrenching story of the mercy of Gd.

A heart wrenching story of the mercy of Gd.
What is mercy then, you may wonder?  Mercy is as the basket that a basketball player shoots at.  As it is with mercy, the width of the basket is greater than the width of the ball.  The forgiveness we know occurs when a shot is less than perfect, but good enough to score a point.  Mercy means that the shot need not be perfect, but that it only needs to be good enough.  If the ball does not go through the hoop, then no point is scored.  The score is restricted according to justice, remaining the same.  Win or lose, the game revolves around how many times the ball goes through the net.  Thus, it is such that where mercy abounds, so does lawlessness.  Shots may be less than perfect, but as a team can win a baseball game despite having fewer hits than the opposing team, it is the same way with mercy.
Gd gave us freewill.  Thus, there is an element of chance in life, and this arises from Gd, that is, freewill is gift of mercy from Gd.  Without mercy, the soul of a human is as that of a golem, an automaton.  In freewill, Gd gave us both the ability to forgive each other, and to forsake.  Consider the mercy of God when you read Night.  Does this mercy cause you to lose faith in Gd or to gain faith Gd?  It causes me to gain faith in Gd for I know that in the Torah, Gd gave me a blueprint of how I should act.  If the mercy of Gd is so great that Night could be true, then, how much more should our fear of Gd be if we do not act according to His ways?

I have also learned that this sort of mercy is the hellish version of mercy.  There is also a mercy that can completely be known as lovingkindness.  Thus, it is such that between justice and lovingkindness, a healthy harmony may be found.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hillel’s version of Chanukah is as an attempt to extinguish the a legacy of Gd.

Israel had greater hope for a miracle on the first day.  Israel had faith.  Genesis opens with, “When,” similar to a chaotic predicament.  Throughout the week, Light’s residue was further and further divided, until Shabbat.  Genesis ends with, “Joseph died.”  Light preceded rest, and then death.  However, thousands of years later Joseph, a tzaddik, still impacts this world in a good way, such that there is as much hope in death as there is in a life of righteousness, if not more!  Our bodies burn their last oil in the hour of death.  An elderly person, old and tired, has steadfast faith, and smiles with belief in their last hour, as their purpose has been fulfilled.  Israelites do not fear that God will judge them unjustly in the hour of death!
Lightening more candles each day is as closing time at bars.  Before closing time, a bar is usually at its peak of activity.  The way of the wicked is that closing time comes bringing disappointment, as the fun is immediately taken away.