Sunday, October 4, 2015

Is Evolution in the Bible? Yes, it is!

This is where the biblical Garden of Eden story meets science. Specifically, it occurs when G-d punishes the serpent making it crawl on its belly, meaning that G-d caused the transition some of legged reptiles into snakes, which was an effective evolutionary event. As evolution continues, newer species of snakes may continue in the trending evolutionary pattern observed as vestigial anatomy shrinkage followed by elimination of vestigial pelvic girdles.

Bible: Fall of Man Image

I suggest that dinosaurs, notably those in the shape of brachiosaurus with its incredibly long neck and tail are the origin of modern snakes.


Brachiosaurus, for example, was incredibly large (its size is not very important [for example whales are usually considered to have evolved from dogs]) and had an operable pelvic girdle, used for walking (as opposed to slithering.) Notice the serpent's shape, and compare it to that of this brachiosaurus image. The story unfolds.

Python Skeleton w/Vestigial Limbs Compared to Human's

Old world snakes such as pythons still have the vestige of a pelvic girdle, which is comparable to their distant ancestors, the dinosaurs, suggesting that the ancestors of snakes evolved from 4 legged reptiles. There is apparently no value to these vestigial skeletal parts. Hence, in newer species of snake - as opposed to old world snakes such a pythons - the extra bones that make up a pelvic girdle exist no longer because there is no advantage selecting them.

Since the Bible allowed snakes to evolve, I believe that this discussion could happen to any species.  
(Disclaimer: The apple was not the forbidden fruit.)

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