Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Ubiquitous Cosmological Evidence of G-d Still Not Enough for Some Atheists

Acceptance of Gd, as He is on His terms, and not on your opinion of how G-d should be, is one of most important acts anyone can do. That is what religionists refer to as faith.

Richard Dawkins, probably the foremost atheist in this time concludes that in atheism he has found remarkable Darwinian “grandeur,”

Charles Darwin was not known as a poet, but he produced a lyrical crescendo in the last paragraph of On the Origin of Species.
"Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death,[i] the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved." - Charles Darwin
but then Dawkins deems those same acts of nature to be too horrible for him to consider a deity's involvement.
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
― Richard DawkinsThe God Delusion

That is a verifiable contradiction.

Can anyone see the error of Dawkins' logic?  Logic such that if Hashem creates it, then according to Dawkins, no matter what, it is as if it were created by a hateful, devilish, hideous being, like the picture.

Yet, if there is no Gd, and something becomes created, then according to Dawkins this is surely worthy of remarkable praise, such as in the case of this woman. this:

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

USA citizens know less about Bible than Qu’ran

Genesis 17: (20) And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee; behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. "

America is so scared of Islam. We have a stupid word for this, “Islamophobia .” 

 This is what the Qu’ran has to say about mercy: 

“1. Allah is most Merciful
The Qur’an says several times that Allah is the most Merciful. 
In fact all the 114 Surahs i.e. chapters of the Glorious Qur’an except for Surah Taubah chapter 9, begin with the beautiful formula, Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim, which means, "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful".”  from 

Christians and “leaders” demonized the Qu’ran and Muslims rather than looking at their own Bible for solutions. Our Bible teaches us about Ishmaelites. This is because war against the Ishmaelites is pointless, for they are a people that can’t lose because they have an eternal blessing (Genesis 17:20). If the Ishmaelites lose, then everyone will lose. War against Ishmaelites is destined to fail, even wars Israel may engage in.

Why do I say this?  Because it is something I found in the Bible.

Please verify this verse that I quoted above if you don't believe me.

Genesis 17: (20) And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee; behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. "

Friday, October 23, 2015

Jerusalem to Win Israel’s Peace Battle

Israel needs to show the world how much she cares about the lives of all peoples, both Jew and non-Jew. If Israel doesn’t care, then she needs to study why she should care.

A reason why Israel should care: Where I live, it is safer than Jerusalem!, safer than it is in the holy land! Sorry if the truth is humiliating, but I think the secret is that we don’t rely on the magic land factor in my town.

Peace requires effort on the parts of citizens! We, the people of my town, Sandwich, don’t complain much about galut. That would be silly. We don’t even have a synagogue in our town! In my town, I am aware of 1 shooting and no stabbings at all. I have lived in Sandwich for about 30yrs – roughly factoring in my years at college.

What I am getting at is not that Jews are bad. Wherever a Jew is, getting to work means less focus on complaining about galut, especially if they are outside of Israel’s boundaries, and more focus on trying to make the place of one’s being, wherever it may be, as how they imagine Israel should be.

Start today and wherever you are - think: What is something I can do to help bring about peace in Israel and in my hometown (or city)?  Israel is supposed to be a beacon of hope, but right now Israel is among the worst places to be on earth.  The world is upside down!

The ideal of peace is not just for Jews or Israelis because in order for a land to be a land of peace, its citizens need to make it that way. It takes work and care!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Is Evolution in the Bible? Yes, it is!

This is where the biblical Garden of Eden story meets science. Specifically, it occurs when G-d punishes the serpent making it crawl on its belly, meaning that G-d caused the transition some of legged reptiles into snakes, which was an effective evolutionary event. As evolution continues, newer species of snakes may continue in the trending evolutionary pattern observed as vestigial anatomy shrinkage followed by elimination of vestigial pelvic girdles.

Bible: Fall of Man Image

I suggest that dinosaurs, notably those in the shape of brachiosaurus with its incredibly long neck and tail are the origin of modern snakes.


Brachiosaurus, for example, was incredibly large (its size is not very important [for example whales are usually considered to have evolved from dogs]) and had an operable pelvic girdle, used for walking (as opposed to slithering.) Notice the serpent's shape, and compare it to that of this brachiosaurus image. The story unfolds.

Python Skeleton w/Vestigial Limbs Compared to Human's

Old world snakes such as pythons still have the vestige of a pelvic girdle, which is comparable to their distant ancestors, the dinosaurs, suggesting that the ancestors of snakes evolved from 4 legged reptiles. There is apparently no value to these vestigial skeletal parts. Hence, in newer species of snake - as opposed to old world snakes such a pythons - the extra bones that make up a pelvic girdle exist no longer because there is no advantage selecting them.

Since the Bible allowed snakes to evolve, I believe that this discussion could happen to any species.  
(Disclaimer: The apple was not the forbidden fruit.)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Gd Sovereign: Bringer of Sickness or Health

It may seem that any given thing can happen, but it is not true!
It is always a good time to have hope, as G-d has the power to annihilate disease, as will be explained.

Gd desires unconditional love – first, from his people no matter what condition we are in - He wants us to accept that our condition is relative to how He feels about us and/or our ancestors. Diseases, like cancer, may be formidable, yet Gd sometimes allows them to be.

However, we know cancer is a disease, so there must be a cure!

If we take care to observe Torah, then we pass His heart honesty test. Once we love Gd and His people, it is only a matter of time before improvement.

A righteous soul learns that Hashem leads His loved ones to practice Torah - charity, study, not to boil a kid in the mother’s milk, etc. - these behaviors He loves!

Lastly, Hashem wants us to love all of His creation in its entirety. Everything of creation is thus an enactment of His will including creation’s unknown variables, as in physics like degrees of freewill and apparent decisions mixing with some of creation's apparent determinism.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Living for Change by Denying the Greatness of Murder of “Christ”

This following concept, which Jews teach, "Mesirut nefesh," is a major reason for criticism of the most fundamental belief of Christians hold, "That Jesus brought healing through his death; that one died so that many may live."

In Judaism, there is no concept of good human sacrifice, not just giving up things that are pleasing for the soul, but human sacrifice is outright murder.  During Jesus’ murder he was still propagating his insane delusions of grandeur all the while probably considering himself as a martyr.  We should be glad for having the possibility for the insanity plea in the modern judicial system.

During communion Christians teach that either the wine and bread that they drink actually becomes the body and blood of Jesus, or that it is purely symbolic, in either case the eating and drinking of blood is no victory at all, and is a heinous vile religion.
 “Mesirut nefesh -- Hebrew term for self sacrifice -- means both "giving of life" and "giving of will." Self sacrifice is not just the willingness to die for one's beliefs; it is the way in which one lives for them. It is the willingness to sacrifice one's "self" -- one's desires, one's preconceptions, one's most basic inclinations.” - The Lubavitcher Rebbe via Chabad.org

Jews and Christians will have to disagree on this one.  Jews say that the way to best change the world is to live in the world and effect change to it by repairing the world, a good deed, which is a far cry from a rape of power, as was done to Jesus.

Still today, many weep for Jesus and what he went through, which I don’t wish to deny that he died a horrible death; however, a world of weeping and guilt over the murder of one person is no way to exist in a peaceful world.

Seriously, Christians, how can you celebrate this image? a heinous image, where you worship this man, a lunatic, having no idea of right or wrong?  Look to the dove, and the clean world brought to Noah because Noah LIVED to effect change!!!  In Jesus there is death and nothing but death.

Giving Up Music and Software Piracy

The other day I started throwing out unlicensed software and torrents with full discographies of various bands burned on to DVDs because in a discussion with a Rabbi, as this is what he advised me to do, and as opposed to just not downloading anymore, and enjoying what I have (no longer).

This was the advice of Rabbi Yisroel Cotlar for
- You can be careful about it in the future. 
- You can spread awareness to others.
- You can erase files of music that you did obtain illegally 
- You can make a point of supporting the artists in the future

For some time, I had promised myself that I would not engage in software and music piracy, even before I found Pandora.com. Honestly, when I first heard of Pandora, I thought I was going to be majorly disappointed; however, now I think they are great!

With Pandora I feel like Gd has given me a multitude of blessings. And no, they, Pandora, don’t have all my favorite music, but they do have a lot, and especially they do have enough! (I am a huge consumer of music)

This actually made today’s next step easier; today I threw out hundreds of pirated cds. Some of them I cherished, but many of them would have disappointed me if I bought them. However, before today, yesterday to be precise, I wanted to listen to music while on my way to play MTG (Magic the Gathering). This became a problem for me as I told myself I would give one last listen to a Flower Kings cd on my way to the store, and then when I got home, I would throw it out.

Well that last pirated cd; well guess what, I wouldn’t work in the player, so I had to switch it out with a purchased cd! Imagine that, a miracle of Hashem! Being the religious geek that I am, I was glad that the player wouldn’t play the pirated cd, as it was a way to break the melancholy of giving up something loved. So instead, I popped in my personally purchased Niacin cd (with Dennis Chambers and Billy Sheehan), and listened to it, before bringing the cd notebook holder inside order to fill with music that was personally purchased, or gifted.

Don’t get me wrong, while I have thrown out hundreds of discs, I have yet to fully purge all my music; that I am here today is thanks to Gd’s mercy, and may Gd reward me with much blissful music in the years to come for following His Law!  I will probably get around to destroying all I have pirated someday, but now it is enough to get rid of many with the intent of completely erasing the history of my piracy altogether.

I can rest today knowing that I have done some good deeds. There is no need to be a zealot over this, but I feel Shalom in the home knowing that I have done a good thing, and by doing so, I will be serving my son and family by being a good example, and hopefully, I will be helping bands and the music industry get the money they deserve.  Maybe I will get more rewards from Gd for my works in return.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Galations 3:10 – Paul of Tarsus’ Great Lie

Galations 3:10 is one of the greatest lies in the whole New Testament - read what it says
"For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.” - This is a great and terrible a lie.
Rather than a curse, obedience to the Law of Gd brings blessing to those that love Him.  The Law of Gd is as the very food, which nourishes our bodies, and our planet.  The Law is to make us and our world sanctified, which means pure and holy.

Persons that honestly attempt to follow Gd's commands, which He has dictated to us through His Torah, all 613 Laws (available at www.jewfaq.org), and that we know of because He gave them to  Moses, let's us know that even if we fall short while trying to follow Hashem's commands he pours his mercy and love on us bringing us blessing and not some stupid curse as Paul tells us.

You see; The Law of Moses is a Law of Compassion, and it is not without wonderful mercies or justice.

Gd sees our hearts.  If our hearts beg and plead for His love, His LAW, His people, and His creation, over the years YHWH must bring blessing through divine providence.  The Law of Moses is as the space shuttle that will take us to ever increasing new heights previously thought unimaginable.

Don’t sell yourself short by Christian fundamentalism.  I, myself, am not a Christian or a Jew.  Please, don’t listen to Paul of Tarsus and give G-d a chance!!!  In Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy, God promises to do well by us if we occupy ourselves with Torah, making it one with our soul.

Monday, August 24, 2015

A Verifiable God

Quotes from Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise
“Christ promises a spiritual reward”
[This spiritual reward I, the author, have most certainly received.  However, I do not believe in Jesus, but I can’t deny the possibility of having received it from Jesus.]
“(The) Law of Moses, (is) related to nothing but the Hebrew state and consequently nothing other than material benefits”
[This physical reward Moses promised I, the author, have most certainly received.]

In conclusion:
“we can know no one except from his works.  Anyone therefore who abounds in the fruits of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control…has truly been taught by God and is altogether happy.”
[Jackpot for spiritualists and religionists, but keep on searching you empiricists]

Friday, June 19, 2015

Infinite Light

Because light is infinite, the Light of what we do here affects change to the universe in its entirety.

Dark darkens, it is as a body.

Light is infinite, it is as the soul. It knows no physical boundary.

At death, the body and soul separate. In life, the body is as a receptacle for Light.

How can this be that an infinite soul resides in a finite body? It is because Hashemites are as a dot in a palace.

By that I mean the dot is as wisdom, and the palace is as understanding.

It takes wisdom, which is craftiness, a variable dot of kindling to rise above to start building a palace. It takes understanding to know the materials and logistics necessary to construct a house for a king.

Yet, a king is greater than a dot. In fact, any being with a soul is greater than a dot. Doesn’t a king have people? Yes, he must. Doesn’t a king have an area of dominion? Yes, he must. Every human has a portion of dominion over creation (Genesis 1:26). Absolutely, a king is not confined to his palace. That infinite image of Gd is what we have been created in. It is an image that knows no bounds.

In honor of Rabbi Shammai who on Chanukah snuffed candles until the last day of the holiday: If Light traveled a distance; then it would have to travel infinitely just to get half the way. To get halfway, Light must travel a quarter of the way and yet light would have to travel infinitely to get a half of a quarter of the way. In this way, we see that no matter how far light travels, it travels infinitely. Even if Light travels the extra mile, it travels infinitely past the halfway mark, and so on.

So if light travels infinitely, why is there such a thing as the speed of light? It is because purer light travels faster through media of lesser densities. For example, light traveling through the air will travel faster than light travels through water. However, Hashem’s pure Light is infinite. There is no place anywhere that is completely devoid of Hashem. Even minerals have a portion of the light of Hashem, as we know most of what makes up matter is empty space.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Plants Can Do That? On Talmud Shabbat 30b

The Prophets predicted that the in the era of Mashiach plants would sprout amazing things like clothes (30b verse 39).  This is how: use DNA and logistics.

The idea is to manipulate plants; for example, by altering DNA codes in an orderly way for what we need.  DNA is something that both plants and animals have in common, and that if given the proper molecular machinery can make almost anything relative to life.  This part of the idea may include breeding plants for specific traits.

Could we develop plants that make shirts, as is suggested in Shabbat 30b vs. 39? – Absolutely, and especially in a controlled environment.  The key would be to manipulate select plants spatially in their growth, such as the logistics of size and placement, and then also genetically alter their flower designs to get the right stuff.  The easiest way to start would be with easier weaves, and then progress to smaller and tighter fit weaves.  For example, this strategy was also used in the progression of hard drive development in the case of computers.  Computers hard drives with less information capacity came first before smaller and smaller hardware with more information capacity.  And remember, the ancestors of Chihuahuas are the same as the ancestors of pit bulls.
This blog is based on the Soncino Babylonian Talmud translated into English by:




B.A., Ph.D., D. Lit.
 quoted from http://www.come-and-hear.com/shabbath/shabbath_30.html
Matters of learning'-what is that? — As R. Gamaliel sat and lectured, Woman is destined to bear every day, for it is said, the woman conceived and beareth simultaneously.34  But a certain disciple scoffed at him, quoting, 'there is no new thing under the sun.'35  Come, and I will show you its equal in this world,36  be replied. He went forth and showed him a fowl. On another occasion R. Gamaliel sat and lectured, Trees are destined to yield fruit every day, for it is said, and it shall bring forth boughs and bear fruit:37  just as the boughs [exist] every day, so shall there be fruit every day. But a certain disciple scoffed at him, saying, but it is written, 'there is no new thing under the sun!' Come, and I will show you its equal in this world, replied he. He went forth and showed him the caper bush.38  On another occasion R. Gamaliel sat and expounded, Palestine is destined to bring forth cakes and wool robes, for it is said, There shall be an handful of corn in the land.39  But a certain disciple scoffed at him, quoting, 'there is no new thing under the sun!' 'Come, and I will show you their equal in this world,' replied he. He went forth and showed him morels and truffles;40  and for silk robes [he showed him] the bark of a young palm-shoot.41

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Faith Is Magical Thinking

At times I have been accused of magical thinking, but this is what I know; Hashem tells us this:
Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that YHWH thy God, He is God; the faithful God, who keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations;
And this,
Deuteronomy 7:15 And YHWH will take away from thee all sickness; and He will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee, but will lay them upon all them that hate thee.
Now, I can’t say that I have never been sick, or that I have always been faithful.  I struggled with mental illness, and opiates, which to me these are the “Evil diseases” I knew at my worst.  Even to this day, I have a few allergies.
However, Hashem’s word promises me that he will keep me free from sickness, in return for obedience, and that is precisely what I experience.
I do my best to follow His commands, and this is what I get:  I have never been vaccinated against the flu, yet it has been several years since I have had any viral infection.  In addition, it has been at least 20yrs since I have had a bacterial infection, going back to one time in high school when I had small one under my toenail, probably from the boys locker-room.  This seems like magical thinking indeed, but I don't care because it works, sort of; one must do in addition to acquiring belief!  At one time I had a job that dealt with sewage, and I still didn’t get sick, not even once!
Therefore I suggest that one can live free from disease through religion, but it’s not as if one can state that he or she has faith and continue to doubt Torah.  One must have faith first, and possibly prove later.
As a former atheist, I am not going to be able to tell you that everything in this existence is reasonable, or provable.  We may never be able to study about Hashem in a quantifiable way, or to understand before doing.  If that sort of thinking is an obstacle for you, then I truely feel sorry for you.

Note: Quotes from 1917 JPS Corrected version.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Idol or G-d: Is truth discernible?

One man's God is the next man's idol! How profound. Just say that and put the next evangelist that tries to save you in a pickle. It reminds me of a comical skit from The State. Old fashioned man proclaims [license taken], “I believe in the one true G-d,” dramatic pause “And his name is Zoro and he is living in that lake,” which is followed by the old fashioned man humorously whistling at the end of the short clip.

Image result for old fashioned guy the state

watch the skit here:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpiw-ng5wkQ

I have never heard apologetics from any religion that address this maddening issue, which is that once we establish that there is a G-d, we fall flat on our faces in details, not minor details, but MAJOR DETAILS!, such as what the name of G-d is, but the where, the when, the why, and the how, so I will tell it: The details are up to Gd Himself, not me. However, I have a function too. As a faithful follower of Hashem, my role is to be as His instrument in order that His will may be done. He doesn’t need me to be His instrument, but through His unfathomable ways he has chosen to work through humankind.

Want to know how I came to faith? When I was an atheist at Rutgers, G-d spoke to me and instantaneously I believed. G-d said, "I AM punishing you." There was nothing not to believe about that Voice, and it caused me great joy because I never knew Gd could be capable of retribution, and not only that but that He also cared enough about me enough to speak with me. In my opinion, Hashem chose to speak to me when I was at my lowest because I felt like I had nothing to lose. I would try anything. Had he spoken to me in less dire circumstances, I may have brushed it off without changing. That is how I feel about folks when I tell them about G-d and they roll their eyes or deny that He has spoken with me. Like me in the good times, I expect that they wouldn’t change a thing.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

On The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Holocaust Understanding

Yanki Tauber writes of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s opinion on the Holocaust that “Only G-d Himself can answer for what He allowed to happen.

Having spoken with Hashem, I imagine Hashem’s answer for the tremendous suffering of the Holocaust would most likely be something like, “I care very deeply.  That is why I made you suffer.  I was trying to reach you, but when I did you ran away.  I was scared that if I spoke to you, that you would leave Me and that you would run even further in the wrong direction.  I, Hashem, tried everything in my power, except suspend freewill, to get My precious Jews to hearken to my voice.”

What is my evidence that this would be Hashem's answer?

G-d answered me in my time of suffering by saying, “I never thought you would get this far (astray from an upright path. - Thus, I suggest that being "far" from the truth is why the Jews suffered during the Holocaust).”  Then, He told me, “I AM punishing you,” which was music to my ears because I thought that G-d not only did not exist, but that if He did exist that He must not care what is happening to me.  To find that G-d was punishing me to the extent of taking action in my well being meant that He cares indeed!  Thus, the next step was to find out what to do to get G-d to stop punishing me, through changing my heart and my actions primarily to that of love and good deeds.

G-d struggles with empathy for His created beings.  The infinite G=d and Founder of the Universe has no more of a clue what it is like to be human, than we have ability to see things from His perspective.

The article is entitled:  The Rebbe on the Holocaust:  What the Rebbe Said (and Didn't Say) 
About the Holocaust

Note:  This blog is an edit of a blog posted to the webpage Hamilton's Judaism.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Three Favorite Ways I Think of Gd in Earthly Terms.

Granted, He Is Greater and Even Beyond These Things, but This Is a Start.

1. Mentally invoking the vastness of outer space, such as through viewing images recorded by the Hubble Space Telescope

2. Thinking of the sun’s energy and/or the energy that may be unleashed via Higgs Boson bombs

3. Realizing that the universe is continually created from nothing such that we are completely dependent on Him for provision at every instant

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Does Gd Love Women as Much as Men or Is He a Bigoted Bastard?

Firstly, I want for women to know Gd loves all of His people!
Hi!  I am a gentile.  Years ago I got really angry at a Rabbi for letting me know that I am Bnei Noach.  It probably was rude, but forgivable.  However, another Jew told me that he could guarantee the Jewish Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel would never ever act that way, and that helped me feel better.
I once thought similarly like so many women that Jews had placed me in what was essentially in a lower caste.  I thought Jews idealized ideas such as never letting gentile slaves free, feeding people like me things that they found already dead, etc.  However, I didn’t give up my pursuit of Hashem with the Torah as my guide.  From what I found, I can tell women that given enough patience and in depth study, Torah guarantees us the “Thank Gd I am not a woman prayer,” or in my case the “Thank Gd I am not like the other man,” prayer won’t be bothersome.
What I don’t know is how each woman can find peace.  I am not a woman, and even greater; women are not alike.  I don’t claim to know how all men may find peace in Torah either!  Gd created us as individuals, each with something different to offer.  I don’t know how each person may find his or her inner peace from Torah study, but I can say with confidence that Gd loves it when people try to get to know Him better, and that inner peace is findable through unlocking the secrets of Torah.
In study, I too have reached incorrect conclusions.  There is that prayer, “Thank you for not making me like the other man.”  Can anyone empathize with my situation easier now?  Once, I too was angry.  I had misconceptions about how Jews were supposed to act toward gentiles.  Through study I learned that I was wrong about Torah and that G-d never calls for bigotry.  Instead, Jews are called to follow Abraham’s examples of lovingkindness and hospitality, and Moses’ example of compassion for animals.

I, myself, have found happiness as a gentile.  IMHO, Noah is the epitome of the spine of Torah.  The entire world laughed at him, and he had the spine not to assimilate!  God cleansed the world for the sake of one righteous man, Noah.  I won’t look down on him!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Genesis of New Matter and/or Space through Tzimtzum

Imagine a day where we could literally create more space, enlarging our planet so that food shortages and overpopulation are no longer a threat. How, I don't know; but it happened in the creation of the cosmos, and it continues to happen. The universe is expanding. What if we could control how it expands?

How did the matter of the cosmos first arise?  This disproves the Law of Conservation of Mass.  It must have arisen through the creation of new space, energy, and/or matter.   My thinking is that if it arose once, then it should be possible to accomplish the expansion of new space and/or matter again, especially through the actions of humans if we get smart about it.

According to Lurianic Kabbalah, the first hint on how we can accomplish the genesis of new space occurs is in the Book of Genesis. In the Creation Week, G-d tells us that He causes the genesis of creation with “tzimtzum.” Tzimtzum is the Hebrew word for expansion, contraction, and/or separation, which may be how we can expand the universe. What works for Hashem also works for us: But only if we use the holy language. Any scientist seeking understanding should look to the creation account in Genesis. I would say it should be thought of as an inspired "How to" manual.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Pain or Suffering Problems?

While suffering exists in this age, we must believe Gd is omnipotent. Why then does Gd allow horrid things if He can stop any disease like magic?

To allow disease is not a sign of Gd’s impotence, even if it is a condition that is chronic and/or causing excruciating pain. Just as a rich man may lose everything in seconds, so to can any creature suffer disease. Similarly, as any man may gain a fortune in seconds, so to can we receive speedy recovery from any and every chronic disease.

Hashem desires for us to do His will; that we wrestle to understand His ways. He longs for us to choose Him through hearkening to His call. He desires for us to love Him, all of us, from the most pious king to the lowliest worm, but only of our own accord. While we don’t know why some may suffer; we know justice must prevail, either divine reward or divine punishment, according to our deeds. 

We can’t have faith and believe in the possibility of the incurable!

Maimonides taught that to deny Moshiach’s coming, and subsequently the arrival of a world without suffering, is equivalent to denial of Torah in its entirety. Thus, we are able to derive that in the age of Moshiach, pain and suffering will cease because of our own doing, as then we will be completely occupied with our relationship with G-d; that is when G-d gets His way, and if we love G-d then His way is our ideal.

Rather, than stumbling blocks, the existence of pain and suffering should be motivators for us to help Gd achieve His ultimate goal; peace on earth.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Being Careful with the G-d's Name on The Computer

My Q:  How do Jews treat hard drive ROM if it contains permanently stored sacred information?  Should it ever be deleted?  Should a name of Gd be saved if it is encoded in data?  We are careful with languages other than Hebrew.  Why would the readable language a computer processes be any different?  Some software is more powerful than other software when it comes to file deletion, which opens up a similar question: If the computer code for a word such as “Gd” enters a computer, is it okay to delete any of its sacred contents at all?  Perhaps, computers should be made more sacred by programming them to remember every key stroke, or use picture recognition to save words such as Gd, such that Gd never ends up deleted.  Even images of words in the refresh rate of a monitor could be saved.  Why not?

Rabbi's A:  t's an interesting question that was raised right when various forms of media were coming out. The general consensus of the Halachic authorities was that electronic information that needs to be opened, played, etc is not considered holy texts to the extent they can not be thrown away or deleted. (Once opened, etc. it should not be read/listened to in bathroom or similar place in which Torah is not allowed(