"Exodus 33:20. And He said, 'You will not be able to see My face, for man shall not see Me and live.'"
Then, why do people believe that Jesus is God? Christianity is so absurd. By definition in the 10 commandments, if you believe something that is an earthen vessal, even a human is a Gd, then that is idolatry.
The same is true with me. I might claim to be a Messiah, but I am certainly not a God. God is in me as he is in everthing in this creation, permeating it in conceiled omnipresence, as we can't see Gd. Please don't worship me. And, it is true that I believe Gd has spoken to me. God's words to me where, "I am punishing you." So, I said, "Why are you punishing me?" And, Gd's reply was, "I get everyone sooner or later." And, yet I do know that this qualifies as a hallucination, yet I trust that it was real and Gd spoke to me.

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God the Father. We may not see the face of God the Father.
ReplyDeleteGod is most certainly not punishing you. We are living in an age of Grace. Yes, there will come a time when evil and those on the side of evil will be eternally separated from God's Kingdom. But for now, you are given not just everything you need but more than you need by your Creator who loves you.
We fail Him and He gives us food.
We reject Him and He gives us shelter.
We tell others that He isn't real and He gives us day after day after day.
We see Him as evil and He loves us.
A day will come for judgement but today is the day of God's invitation for you to accept His forgiveness.
You, my friend, could not be anymore wrong.
DeleteFirstly, with the hope of Gd’s punishment comes the blessing that we may avoid the punishment of Gd through righteousness.
Secondly, we are not created on earth to be a bunch of feeble morons that mess up over and over, but though there may be grace, there is no refuge for the damned, and we are put on earth not to mess up creation, but to perfect it. We have a mission, each of us to engage in reparation of the world to see that it is left in better condition when and if we leave it.
Lastly, your claim about Jesus and that He is Gd is completely wrong. Jesus said, “I and the Father are one,” so clearly if Jesus is one with the Father, such that He is Gd, then if you see Him you would surely die. There is no way around that, such that Christianity as a religion flunks that test. Also, you should know that any earthen vessel, such as a human or a rock that is worshiped is deemed to be an idol. Thus, to worship Jesus as an earthen vessel is idolatry.