Sunday, September 20, 2015

Gd Sovereign: Bringer of Sickness or Health

It may seem that any given thing can happen, but it is not true!
It is always a good time to have hope, as G-d has the power to annihilate disease, as will be explained.

Gd desires unconditional love – first, from his people no matter what condition we are in - He wants us to accept that our condition is relative to how He feels about us and/or our ancestors. Diseases, like cancer, may be formidable, yet Gd sometimes allows them to be.

However, we know cancer is a disease, so there must be a cure!

If we take care to observe Torah, then we pass His heart honesty test. Once we love Gd and His people, it is only a matter of time before improvement.

A righteous soul learns that Hashem leads His loved ones to practice Torah - charity, study, not to boil a kid in the mother’s milk, etc. - these behaviors He loves!

Lastly, Hashem wants us to love all of His creation in its entirety. Everything of creation is thus an enactment of His will including creation’s unknown variables, as in physics like degrees of freewill and apparent decisions mixing with some of creation's apparent determinism.

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