Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Marriage Is Not About Two Halves Making A Whole

There must be some sort of error when translating that two halves make a whole is how marriage comes about, as is described in Cabala.  How about two wholes come together in a way that is mystically higher than if they were separate?  As, what about people that are adults whom have decided to go to rehab in order to put their life back together?  Many good counselors implore to their patients that before they find a romantic relationship, first they must improve their condition.  They are not yet half even, if marital partners may be considered halves!  Are these people in recovery mere quarters or fifths?  Certainly, we don’t call this person a quarter, or a fifth!  Also, Leah, Jacob’s wife was a wife in full to Jacob, assisting him, perhaps more than his loved wife in casting his seed to fruition.  As far as I know, the idea of rehab is somewhat new in history, and that its newness is probably reason for the translational error.

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