“Love the Lord your God with all your heart (Deuteronomy)” R. Judah the Prince in the Mishneh Torah says this means both with your will to do good and with your evil inclinations (such as the sexual instinct), which affectively states that one should love the Blessed be He with total loyalty(JPS), and submission to His heavenly commands. That means that we should love God both when we say our blessings, etc., and when we have sex, etc., and that there should be no place, no thing, and no step that we should make without worshiping Gd.
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Noah Noach Noahide Noachide Craig Hamilton Abrahamic Religions Sandwich, MA Jewish Moshiach Chabad Judaism Jew evolution creation mysticism Kabballah Tanya Torah 613 Mishneh Torah Ethics of the Fathers Pirkei Avot Muslim Qur'an Islam Ishmael Mohammed British Israelism Zerahites Zerah Zeus Perez Poseidon idolatry Christian idol House of David Messiah Moshiach Mashiach Kabbalah Esau Edom Edomites middle ages medieval Maimonides Rashi The Lubavitcher Rebbe Sabbath Shabbat Talmud
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
Live By Your Words, No Matter How Fantastic They Seem and Live to Be 1,000!!!
My reasoning for believing that I am the Messiah comes from sound Biblical reasoning.
"Positive Commandment 94
Fulfilling Verbal Obligations
"That which issues from your lips you shall keep and perform"—Deuteronomy 23:24.
We are commanded to carry through that which we pledge to do [or not to do]."
Strangely, the pathway back to sanity has no been to apologize, and say that I am sorry for stating that I said I am the messiah. In order to understand this, I must live by what I have said. I have no intent on being a liar. I don't even wish to be a superstar. What I believe is that me, the messiah, is a secret to this world. I don't seek crowds or popularity, merely the desire to impact this world in a positive way so that I may see this following verse fulfilled: Isaiah 65:20. "There shall no longer be from there a youth or an old man who will not fill his days, for the youth who is one hundred years old shall die, and the sinner who is one hundred years old shall be cursed. http://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo/aid/15996"
The people of this generation frustrate me. They say, I am 80, therefore I shall die at an old age. However, the greatest generation lived to be much older than their grandparents generation. To the peoples of earth I beseech you: There once was a time in the middle ages and the dark ages of Europe where the life expectancy was somewhere between a mere 25 to 30 years old. If you had told these people that it would be common to see folks live to be 80 they would have laughed. Certainly, all but a very small minority would have believed that living to 80 is possible. It is this way with our generation. I need for people to give up on the idea of living to a 80 and then dying. Believe me, when I say that one who dies at 80 is but a youth. Who can identify how old folks will live to? I beseech you that we too are possibly like lobsters, which are hypothetically immortal (John C. Guerin (2006). "Emerging area of aging research: long-lived animals with "negligible senescence"". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1019 (1): 518–520.doi:10.1196/annals.1297.096. PMID 15247078.).
1000 years old,
Craig Christ,
positive commandment 94,
the greatest generation
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Waves (Binah), Particles (Chochmah), The Glue (Ayn Soph) and Revealing a Miracle: Moses and Parting of the Sea
Please note: This has been edited by the author from the original post.
Within reality there are waves, and smaller waves hidden within waves. Often these smaller waves are mistaken as noise, yet noise analysis may give reliable data. With reason, it is thinkable that a positive feedback loop of waves, a resonant signal of waves within waves could accomplish many unusual events. The minor waves within the major waves may add up to or even multiply to something extraordinary, such as parting a Sea.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
A Question For the Rabbi; Can There Be Jewishness Without Moses and Aaron? Would There Have Been Jewishness If Not For Moses and Aaron?
The question: "I doubt that there is some sort of cosmic vibration that a Jewish mother's womb gives off that makes her offspring Jewish.
It seems that the vehicle for transmission of the Jewish message is patriarchal, the way Ethics of Our Fathers seems to indicate. For example, 1:1 "Moses received the Torah from Sinai and gave it over to Joshua. Joshua gave it over to the Elders, the Elders to the Prophets, and the Prophets gave it over to the Men of the Great Assembly..."
I was told by the Rabbi that while educational tradition is passed down by the father. The essence is passed on by the mother.
It seems that the vehicle for transmission of the Jewish message is patriarchal, the way Ethics of Our Fathers seems to indicate. For example, 1:1 "Moses received the Torah from Sinai and gave it over to Joshua. Joshua gave it over to the Elders, the Elders to the Prophets, and the Prophets gave it over to the Men of the Great Assembly..."
I was told by the Rabbi that while educational tradition is passed down by the father. The essence is passed on by the mother.
"The Torah explicitly forbids intermarriage. The source is in Deuteronomy 7:3-4,
You shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your daughter to his son, and you shall not take his daughter for your son, for he will cause your child to turn away from after Me and they will worship the gods of others." http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/108396/jewish/Intermarriage.htm
I personally admit to my audience. I have committed idolatry. I don't even necessarily think it was my fault, as I didn't know any better. Possibly, it was because my father instructed me in faithless science. Chemical imbalance caused me to be hyper-sexual for which my dad did turn my head to the wrong direction, suggesting masturbation is good. The Bible says however, "And, they will worship the gods of others," and that much does not describe me. I committed idolatry, but refrain from worship because I believe my idol to be horrible and that I would die if I believed in her. So, I fled. I moved much the same way where if someone has committed murder moves to a city of refuge, according to biblical command. When I committed idolatry, Hashem intervened and to His surprise I suddenly believed in the Gd of the Israel. My life has never been the same, as I have received both forgiveness and blessing from Hashem. The only hint that mom is Jewish is that she told me never to lie.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
The Pathway to Gan Eden: Risk Everything to Attain the Blessing of Hashem
I have commented extensively to the website, www.chabad.org. Would I run, lie, or say that I was sorry for
it, out of fear of people who hate Jews? Would I choose to follow the pathway
to the crematoriums in the Holocaust? Of course, you should wonder what my aim is in following Judaism, and in claiming to be the Messiah. Conclusively, I
would choose the pathway the most Jewish though perhaps not perfectly. I have to admit in my own finite mind that there is such a thing as the concept of martyrs. However, I don't believe anyone dies without cause. My aim is not to go out with a bang, but to hang around here on earth for a very very long time. I would probably be disappointed if I only lived to be 1,000 years old.
choose the pathway I believe Hashem would have me choose because my fear of Him
is greater than any pain I might suffer on earth. My belief is Hashem’s pathway for me is not
to the crematorium, but should that change, I would do everything in my power,
to save a fellow Jew, preventing the wrong path choice.
The younglings will ever need to be reared;
clueless at birth. I believe each of
them will have a chance to meet Hashem, probably in the most dire place in
order to ready their hearts, as that is His way of finding loyal followers.
direction will be chosen by me or others? Maybe
something I say or do will be of help.
Initially, choosing Hashem’s way will likely be of great
difficulty. Direction change will be
needed. I encourage anyone to risk
everything to attain Hashem’s blessing. The work is well worth it.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
To President Barrack Obama: Don't Let Syria Use Us
Barrack Obama is coming across as rather clueless with respect to Syria. Death count should be more important than whether or not chemical weapons were used. Secondly, who cares what kind of weapons where used? Weapons are weapons, I see no reason to distinguish between the type of weapon used and the way that should relate to our foreign policy, as one weapon that causes death is as another weapon that causes death. Really, the difference is only cosmetics. Additionally, I believe that if anyone should help Syria it should be another Muslim nation, as I have no desire for us to save a bunch of people, the Syrians, and then have them hate us for it, calling us infidels.
All Syria wants to do with us is to use us. Most likely, Syria has no desire ever to help us, but the converse it that they would probably want to terrorize us, if they had the means. The Bible says to help your neighbor if they are stuck in the mud, even if they are your enemy. However, why is it that the entire would looks to us, the USA for help. We have too many of our own problems to be able to help Syria. Someone other than the USA should help Syria because we can't be the life support system of the entire world.
All Syria wants to do with us is to use us. Most likely, Syria has no desire ever to help us, but the converse it that they would probably want to terrorize us, if they had the means. The Bible says to help your neighbor if they are stuck in the mud, even if they are your enemy. However, why is it that the entire would looks to us, the USA for help. We have too many of our own problems to be able to help Syria. Someone other than the USA should help Syria because we can't be the life support system of the entire world.
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