If I remember correctly, in high school my teacher taught me how the invention of the assembly line was supposed to revolutionize the idea of capitalism. Things would be made much faster, and by everyone in the assembly line having a small but focused job, there would be extra time for stuff like fun. I don’t think many assembly line workers have free time in mind when they go to work these days.
First of all, assembly lines are usually no longer profitable in America, although we do farm them out oversees to people that we are allowed to pay whatever we want, and there always seems to be takers for these jobs. Let’s look at why? First of all, these workers lack skill sets, so when American Corporations defend the wages they pay overseas they play this card saying offering that we pay them so poorly essentially because we can get away with it. Fast forward to the modern era and now we are closing in on the idea that we don’t need anyone at all, and therefore there is no reason to pay someone anything, because everyone is replaceable.
And, now that I think of that, I don’t agree that people are replaceable just because we can get a machine or another person to do their job based upon a mere whim. A job can be found in Him merely though worship of Him. Yet, that day has yet to fully come, so don’t yet quit your day job. Most people probably like to think they are valuable, and they are, but the difference in today’s world is that their value is not going to be determined by their occupation. Those that accept that people are replaceable are probably going to be the first to say, something like, “Gee! Now that I have realized that I am useless, what can I do now?” For some that thought is pure bliss, for others that thought is a reason for suicide. Unfortunately, some people worship capitalism, as if it was a Gd, and the thought of life without capitalism brings nothing but the greatest sorrow of sorrows.
These are probably the people I least worry about: If you have the knowledge to know you can probably be outpaced by a machine, or someday in the near future, that that is right around the bend, you’ve probably taken some time to entertain yourself spiritually. Possibly, like me, you have gone on the quest to find the one true Gd, or something similar. These will be the types of escapades that will go on more often starting in about year 6,000 on the Orthodox Jewish calendar. This will be the 7th millennium, which in Judaism is known as the age of Moshiach. I like to explain this age as if it were Eden. If you paid it forward and did your good deeds, in the age of Moshiach, there will be no more work for you, although life will be better than just good.
In the Middle Ages and the Dark Ages times were much tougher. Now we have the time to explore the world at our leisure because really, few people need to work more than 40hr weeks, unless they want to. Just as the inventions from 1990 to 2000 where greater in number (and downright amusingness) than we have seen in the entirety of the rest of all other time periods, so too will technology cause us to all be obsolete if we allow ourselves to believe the lies about life in an atheist world.
As we head towards socialized healthcare in America, as well as for places that are more impoverished, such as in Africa through charities such as Heifer International, I think that it is safe to say that we are headed to a world that might be described as being like the Garden of Eden. In my mind, the rules of the universe will remain the same. Live by the golden rule and karma, and chances are that somehow you will come out on top.
If I had to refute the late Christopher Hitchens, then I would say, “Live a life of superstition because I can guarantee you that doing good deeds is the best way to choose no matter how superstitious it may seem.” Ozzy Osbourne was spot on in his song, “I don’t know,” in which he rather ironically claims, “Nobody ever told me, I found out for myself. You got to believe in foolish miracles.” Thus, it is such with reality; if we are able to make peace with our Creator, then indeed He will probably allow us a share of life in a peaceful world for our good deeds. Likewise, I should importantly say, good deeds are not always easy to do. I have spent a good deal of my lifetime trying to communicate over the net the blessings of doing what is moral, and upright. Learning to write didn’t happen in a day, a month, or even a year.
My take home message is to go study, be it books or baseballs, etc., with the aim of making yourself useful, and eventually, though you may crawl and cry, eventually things will work out for Gd. Take for instance the passage in Genesis that Joseph says, “You intended to harm me, but Gd intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” I guess that makes me a priest of sorts. So, when I go to write, I share what I know for the sake of helping people that I don’t know. In my darkest hour, You were there for me, Gd. You told me of your anger saying, “I am punishing you,” which was as music for my ears because I thought that not only wasn’t there a Gd, but also the Gd I had been told of was a wimp, so I dismissed my knowledge of a wimpy Gd. Gd you were there to accuse me, such that my soul repented out of love for your voice, and I realized that You, Gd, are a vengeful and wrathful Gd. He, Gd, reached out to me, so following that pattern, to imitate His just ways, I reach out to you, in the hope that Eden will be for all of us, from the greatest to the least, and none will be able to say, I am not important, because we can derive that Gd is reasonable because His creation is reasonable, and for His creation to be reasonable, each soul in it must have a share in the World to Come, as each soul has a share from the breath of Gd that came from Him in the creation week of Genesis Chapter 1.

Noah Noach Noahide Noachide Craig Hamilton Abrahamic Religions Sandwich, MA Jewish Moshiach Chabad Judaism Jew evolution creation mysticism Kabballah Tanya Torah 613 Mishneh Torah Ethics of the Fathers Pirkei Avot Muslim Qur'an Islam Ishmael Mohammed British Israelism Zerahites Zerah Zeus Perez Poseidon idolatry Christian idol House of David Messiah Moshiach Mashiach Kabbalah Esau Edom Edomites middle ages medieval Maimonides Rashi The Lubavitcher Rebbe Sabbath Shabbat Talmud
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
A Spiritual Piggybank
Many people pray, and they find that their prayer gets them nowhere. This does not surprise me, nor does it negate my religion. I won’t say that prayer is important, but I will say that prayer is not a complete perspective. I suggest doing something in addition to prayer.
When we do something for someone else out of charity, while it might be something directly related to the thing you want, it may also be something almost completely unrelated. Showing an interest in others and their doings may be just what we need in order to unlock the gate to the pathway towards Eden. The places we visit on this journey may seem obscure or irregular, but journey onward to the places that Torah takes us on.
Consider this; your good deeds may not pay off immediately. Thus, I suggest thinking of your doings in this world, as is the idea of a spiritual piggy bank. It may take a lot of saving. What if you have a rare disease or a rare problem? With your hard spiritual work, you may have to save up enough spiritual capital to put a doctor through medical school, such that he can help you out of your illness.
G;d gives each of us a mission in this world. This mission becomes clearer as we study. When we study, it is the equivalent of fulfilling all the good deeds of the Torah. In my instance, in my spiritual piggy bank, I had some knowledge of science, but that needed to be unlocked. It was sealed up, until I took the time to study Torah. Once I studied Torah, someone else, my mom, just happened to come across a doctor that could cure me so that my science knowledge need not remain locked up. So, I reached out to G(d and he reached out to me in return, blazing a pathway for my mother to find a cure for me. And, I do admit that it wasn’t a perfect cure, as a still have some problems. However, instead of my problems being to my detriment, they have actually been a blessing for me. This is the way Hashem is able to work his magic in this world.
A spiritual piggybank may have some money in it. But, it must also have good deeds. This is why a Jewish king must not be wealthy. His wealth must come from his spiritual piggy bank that is not of this world in a radical type of way, similar to that of a priest, or a Levite. In Ecclesiastes, King Solomon relates a story about a person who is wealthy, but Gd has forbidden them from enjoying it. This is entirely relative to the idea of a spiritual piggybank, and a proof of it if you believe Tanach is the words of G-d. Money by itself is empty if one can’t enjoy it. This is also the idea of karma, in that there is something spiritual about this world that if we do good things to others, then good things will be done to us in return. Likewise, Leviticus 26 and other parts of Torah relate the blessings of living a righteous life, but that if we don’t do what G&d asks of us then good things happen.
So pay it forward~!~ We all have something to give and a reason for being, or G^d would not permit us to be. G*d is aware of everything in the universe, such that everything in reality is not without purpose. If your spiritual piggy bank seems empty, you may be wrong! Just keep doing good deeds and I believe that if you are able to actually toil in Torah, reading it, even if you are blind and have to learn brail, and observing the ways of the righteous, though things may get worse initially, eventually things will get better for you. Through doing good deeds we must have hope.
When we do something for someone else out of charity, while it might be something directly related to the thing you want, it may also be something almost completely unrelated. Showing an interest in others and their doings may be just what we need in order to unlock the gate to the pathway towards Eden. The places we visit on this journey may seem obscure or irregular, but journey onward to the places that Torah takes us on.
Consider this; your good deeds may not pay off immediately. Thus, I suggest thinking of your doings in this world, as is the idea of a spiritual piggy bank. It may take a lot of saving. What if you have a rare disease or a rare problem? With your hard spiritual work, you may have to save up enough spiritual capital to put a doctor through medical school, such that he can help you out of your illness.
G;d gives each of us a mission in this world. This mission becomes clearer as we study. When we study, it is the equivalent of fulfilling all the good deeds of the Torah. In my instance, in my spiritual piggy bank, I had some knowledge of science, but that needed to be unlocked. It was sealed up, until I took the time to study Torah. Once I studied Torah, someone else, my mom, just happened to come across a doctor that could cure me so that my science knowledge need not remain locked up. So, I reached out to G(d and he reached out to me in return, blazing a pathway for my mother to find a cure for me. And, I do admit that it wasn’t a perfect cure, as a still have some problems. However, instead of my problems being to my detriment, they have actually been a blessing for me. This is the way Hashem is able to work his magic in this world.
A spiritual piggybank may have some money in it. But, it must also have good deeds. This is why a Jewish king must not be wealthy. His wealth must come from his spiritual piggy bank that is not of this world in a radical type of way, similar to that of a priest, or a Levite. In Ecclesiastes, King Solomon relates a story about a person who is wealthy, but Gd has forbidden them from enjoying it. This is entirely relative to the idea of a spiritual piggybank, and a proof of it if you believe Tanach is the words of G-d. Money by itself is empty if one can’t enjoy it. This is also the idea of karma, in that there is something spiritual about this world that if we do good things to others, then good things will be done to us in return. Likewise, Leviticus 26 and other parts of Torah relate the blessings of living a righteous life, but that if we don’t do what G&d asks of us then good things happen.
So pay it forward~!~ We all have something to give and a reason for being, or G^d would not permit us to be. G*d is aware of everything in the universe, such that everything in reality is not without purpose. If your spiritual piggy bank seems empty, you may be wrong! Just keep doing good deeds and I believe that if you are able to actually toil in Torah, reading it, even if you are blind and have to learn brail, and observing the ways of the righteous, though things may get worse initially, eventually things will get better for you. Through doing good deeds we must have hope.
Leviticus 26,
spiritual savings bank,
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
A Letter to Doctor Bart D. Ehrman
Dear Prof. Ehrman,
I completely understand why you feel that there can be good without faith. I agree. However, the cosmos is beyond reason.
Sure, I agree 100% with you that I find pretty much all the ethics I need in secular humanism. However, the universe is filled with magic. Faith is a reason we need not fear cosmic careening out of control. We need faith to say, "I know this universe is continually created from nothing, and I have no fear that in the next moment reality Gd just may give up on us, such that we leave existence without a fizzle."
Reason is trapped in the inexplicable how does the inventor figure out how to make a part of the universe malfunction. Atheists assume that it is impossible to make the world malfunction. Why? Because of reason. Where did that reason come from? Chaos? Is chaos great enough that it could create a world that won't fizzled out. And, if it is indeed Chaos that is behind this all, haven't we put Chaos behind the curtains of reality, as a God, heaven forefend.
"Why doesn't the universe cease to be?" says the Teacher.
Everyday is as amazing as The Big Bang if you ask me. Every moment matter is a limit, such that we need far more explanation than what came first in the universe. How many times have some of us assumed that without a Goad to animate us, the world would go on ticking. A void is created if we are without faith. Where would we be if we had no Gd to sustain us, or animate us to do His will, as a part of His choose your own adventure plan.
Craig Hamilton
I completely understand why you feel that there can be good without faith. I agree. However, the cosmos is beyond reason.
Sure, I agree 100% with you that I find pretty much all the ethics I need in secular humanism. However, the universe is filled with magic. Faith is a reason we need not fear cosmic careening out of control. We need faith to say, "I know this universe is continually created from nothing, and I have no fear that in the next moment reality Gd just may give up on us, such that we leave existence without a fizzle."
Reason is trapped in the inexplicable how does the inventor figure out how to make a part of the universe malfunction. Atheists assume that it is impossible to make the world malfunction. Why? Because of reason. Where did that reason come from? Chaos? Is chaos great enough that it could create a world that won't fizzled out. And, if it is indeed Chaos that is behind this all, haven't we put Chaos behind the curtains of reality, as a God, heaven forefend.
"Why doesn't the universe cease to be?" says the Teacher.
Everyday is as amazing as The Big Bang if you ask me. Every moment matter is a limit, such that we need far more explanation than what came first in the universe. How many times have some of us assumed that without a Goad to animate us, the world would go on ticking. A void is created if we are without faith. Where would we be if we had no Gd to sustain us, or animate us to do His will, as a part of His choose your own adventure plan.
Craig Hamilton
Bart D. Erhman,
Bart Ehrman,
Big Bang,
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Billions of Christians do not worship in the way that Jews do. (Edited)
Let's get one thing straight, Christianity, especially the Christian doctrine of the New Testament is too confusing if not impossible for Jews to understand (myself included). Consequently, to the fact that leading Jewish rabbis fail to understand the New Testament, is that rabbis believe it is not Jewish. It cannot be any other way for Jews. The leading Jews must be able to understand the New Testament in order for it worth anything at all. Even Christians admit that the New Testament can't be completely understood. Thus, it is such that the messianic Jews or the Jews 4 Jesus are misguided.
The New Testament is often understood by non-Jews to mean, "Do good!" Sometimes it means that, and other time is has justified Inquisitions, and Crusades. However, beyond that I don't believe that there are many conclusions that we as followers of Torah can make that are in agreement with Christianity.
Monday, November 4, 2013
MASS Health, ACA, charity, Science Funding, Talmud, NGO, Environment, Zerah, Esau, Freewill, Soul, Jews Have Torah
I come from MA. I know about Mass Health. This is a fact. If you apply for it through any other means than being in person, then whatever papers you have filled out for snail mail are tossed in the trash. Folks don't have the time for stuff like website applications even in my state, which is orders of magnitude smaller than the scale of trying to achieve socialized health care. A much better way to do this has been pointed out by Robert Reich, and that was to extend Medicare to include health for all. In addition, I believe that trying to insure the entire country will be a difficult if not impossible task, especially since it requires more bureaucracy than Mass health, and believe me, it is no easy walk in the park to get health care here. Many providers often complain that Mass Health doesn't pay them, even though it should. Really, the best way do do this would be Medicare and via separating the union with respect to health care as places like New England, Mid-Western, etc.
One thing that I don't get about ACA is why so many folks that comment also can pay out of pocket are more concerned about second tier Americans than third and underclass tiers? I myself pay out of pocket for my psychological care. I would guess anyone who trusts regular health care for psych would be nothing but a disaster, such that out of pocket psychiatrists that do not accept health care is the only way.
Conservatives often give to fund their priests, but that is all. Ever heard of a conservative give no an NGO (Non governmental organization) like Heiffer International? Probably not. I do admit though that the shoebox charity of Christian is quite good. I, myself, have done missionary work in the Dominican Republic doing things like pouring cement to build a hospital. Often I am very suspicious of Christian charities like the Salvation Army because really their assistance is often motivated by Jesus and is not humanistic. (This is probably more like what Christians are like in the Bible belt. I have evidence that Christians are not like this where I live, Cape Cod)
I don't buy that. I live in Massachusetts, sometimes called the blue-est state. Far fewer people in my state go to church and still far fewer are zealous about their religion here. And, guess what, our water is clean and through legislating charity we have one of the most robust states in the union. Boston has weathered the financial storms of economic demise far better than many other USA cities.
One fact is, if you give many but not all people a sense that Zeus is watching the behavior of men, then, the majority of men will use belief in Zeus as a reason to behave, and they will behave just as well for Zeus as they will for Jesus.
There is ample evidence to suggest that Zeus was Zerah son of Judah, born by Tamar, and brother of Pharez.
If Jesus was the Messiah, then please explain to me why after his coming here life expectancies decreased. Also, that Jesus walked the earth reminds me of a silly old song my mom used to sing, "And, he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me that l am his own."
Thanks ... for not praying for me. When Christians say that to me (That they are gonna pray for me), I take it as a common passive aggressive cheap-shot.
Exactly, when Isaac blessed Jacob, he gave a lesser blessing to Esau. In the Bible Isaac represents justice. Thank you for at least trying to show some discretion over who and what you pray about. Indeed, you are trying not to caste pearls to swine (why it is written "before" beats me. Its almost like poor English, as if the pearls turn men into swine). It should be, don't caste pearls to swine, if you are concerned with parsimonious English.
Thank you for taking time to address this with me. I am not Christian. I believe that the religion of Judaism is correct though I am not a Jew, meaning I do not have Jewishness that one supposedly gains through ritual conversion.
First, let me address the issue of free will. I believe G@d knows us, and controls our destiny to a certain extent, but that we also control our own destiny because we have souls. These souls give us purpose, and individuality. Most Bible's include this in the creation account where G_d say, "And let them rule." "Let" separates our souls from being G-d's automatons. "Them" is plural indicating our individuality. To "Rule" over creation is the purpose of humanity. Also, several times in Torah we read that if we do good things, then eventually good things will happen to us, and that if we do bad things we will eventually fall from grace through the evil of G!d. A couple of time in the histories of the Jewish kings in Tanach G:d is called evil. In addition, G=d is the ruler over Satan, the Angel of Death, and so on. So, because we have souls we can choose to a certain extent how we are to live, and G$d may or may not punish or reward us, according to His perfect wisdom. Thus, as the rule of karma applies, if we do good, then eventually good things will happen to us, and if we do evil eventually G-d is probably going to multiply our afflictions.
I do agree with you that the Christian message is quite muddled. To believers, however, to be a Christian is secretly defined as doing what is morally upstanding, while shunning evil.
I do not have a good answer with respect to radioactive dating and the Bible. So far as I can conceive, there once was a time where humanity became nearly extinct due to an ice age, according to the fossil record. The entire world is thus thought to have been repopulated by 70 individuals, according to science. I believe that Noah's flood was actually due to global warming and thawing a glacier, and that the 70 individuals that scientists say repopulated the world, are the 70 nations of the Bible following the flood.
I believe that it is possible that we have miscalculated the age of the birth of Hebrew. There is ancient Hebrew (no vowels, only consonants), as our human ancestors probably could only speak with consonants (see The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins), and there is modern Hebrew, which of course has vowels. Modern Hebrew was created through isolating a child in Jewish culture, and deigning the words he came up as Hebrew. Please keep in mind that no one had spoken perhaps middle Hebrew or Ancient Hebrew for roughly 2,000 years before Modern Hebrew was created. Talmud and Torah through the Middle Ages etc were studied in the vernacular, but the Hebrew was only read, not spoken. This is one reason I believe Hebrew is very similar to old French according to Rashi, meaning that Rashi had adopted old French into a Hebrew creole. Rashi is best known for writing what is often called the most important commentary on the Torah.
Forgive me if I am in error in the delivery, but if I can remember correctly, reconciliation of the modern dating system science is possible through Torah. Observing the dates of the Bible, I was able to conclude that through taking Torah (non-Tanach {I think it was}) dates and connecting them with modern dates, I was able to come to an interesting conclusion with respect to the Hebrew word “Yom,” which can mean either day or age. This word “yom” is also used in the creation story, which is why some folks believe in the Day-Age Theory. At the time of the flood, G-d numbered Noah’s years, saying that man’s days are numbered 120. If you factor in Torah one of the years of a person’s life is actually 120 years of our time because of this verse, then we are accurately able to date the time of near human extinction in the fossil record in Torah. In addition, the fossil record contains 2 departures from Africa, one being that of Abraham, the other being that of the Israelites fleeing Pharaoh. Using this system, it is also possible to conclude that the Canaanites were the Neanderthals, and that for some of us our ancestors intermarried with them, as we have their DNA. There is definitely fossil record of Neanderthals in Israel, which is the land of Canaan. Additionally, I am fairly certain that while all know white people have Neanderthal DNA, it is the Jews that are Jewish via lineage that have the highest concentrations of Neanderthal DNA.
This raises an interesting question, which you, yourself, posed. Why the hell is everything with respect to the Bible so muddled, be it any religion, as though I like Judaism on paper, I still think people are people? For one, Paul and the Talmud are correct on one thing, that the Jews have Torah. However, that is not to state that the Jews fully comprehend Torah. That is, G-d gave the Torah to the Jews in a state, very similar to the way the Jews are now, and not all comprehend this Torah though many of the Jews wrestle with it in their life, and indeed some go on to become Rabbis and probably fewer become students of these Rabbis.
One conclusion is that each name of every person in Torah, or at least Genesis is actually a tribe, and not a single person.
I resent that about donating other people's money. i do give money to charity, and I am a charity case. The Bible says that the poor should not be so impoverished that they are unable to give back, and that describes my situation. There, in the play by play I did charitable a good deed by letting you know that. I used to be an electrochemist several years back, and having mental illness even I could see that I would cost tax payers less on SSI, not to be confused with SSDI, if I just take a check and stop doing science. Plenty is already known in science and people need to put that to use and not just publish paper after paper. The system is archaic. Science is supposed to be repeatable, but recorded written and moderated commentary on articles isn't done, especially since terabyte drives are commonly available. The Jews have been doing this since the Dark Ages through Talmud. Science isn't all that grand and it costs a lot of money, so I decided not to add to the problem, and see what I could do that might benefit people in the form of charity.
One thing that I don't get about ACA is why so many folks that comment also can pay out of pocket are more concerned about second tier Americans than third and underclass tiers? I myself pay out of pocket for my psychological care. I would guess anyone who trusts regular health care for psych would be nothing but a disaster, such that out of pocket psychiatrists that do not accept health care is the only way.
Conservatives often give to fund their priests, but that is all. Ever heard of a conservative give no an NGO (Non governmental organization) like Heiffer International? Probably not. I do admit though that the shoebox charity of Christian is quite good. I, myself, have done missionary work in the Dominican Republic doing things like pouring cement to build a hospital. Often I am very suspicious of Christian charities like the Salvation Army because really their assistance is often motivated by Jesus and is not humanistic. (This is probably more like what Christians are like in the Bible belt. I have evidence that Christians are not like this where I live, Cape Cod)
I don't buy that. I live in Massachusetts, sometimes called the blue-est state. Far fewer people in my state go to church and still far fewer are zealous about their religion here. And, guess what, our water is clean and through legislating charity we have one of the most robust states in the union. Boston has weathered the financial storms of economic demise far better than many other USA cities.
One fact is, if you give many but not all people a sense that Zeus is watching the behavior of men, then, the majority of men will use belief in Zeus as a reason to behave, and they will behave just as well for Zeus as they will for Jesus.
There is ample evidence to suggest that Zeus was Zerah son of Judah, born by Tamar, and brother of Pharez.
If Jesus was the Messiah, then please explain to me why after his coming here life expectancies decreased. Also, that Jesus walked the earth reminds me of a silly old song my mom used to sing, "And, he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me that l am his own."
Thanks ... for not praying for me. When Christians say that to me (That they are gonna pray for me), I take it as a common passive aggressive cheap-shot.
Exactly, when Isaac blessed Jacob, he gave a lesser blessing to Esau. In the Bible Isaac represents justice. Thank you for at least trying to show some discretion over who and what you pray about. Indeed, you are trying not to caste pearls to swine (why it is written "before" beats me. Its almost like poor English, as if the pearls turn men into swine). It should be, don't caste pearls to swine, if you are concerned with parsimonious English.
Thank you for taking time to address this with me. I am not Christian. I believe that the religion of Judaism is correct though I am not a Jew, meaning I do not have Jewishness that one supposedly gains through ritual conversion.
First, let me address the issue of free will. I believe G@d knows us, and controls our destiny to a certain extent, but that we also control our own destiny because we have souls. These souls give us purpose, and individuality. Most Bible's include this in the creation account where G_d say, "And let them rule." "Let" separates our souls from being G-d's automatons. "Them" is plural indicating our individuality. To "Rule" over creation is the purpose of humanity. Also, several times in Torah we read that if we do good things, then eventually good things will happen to us, and that if we do bad things we will eventually fall from grace through the evil of G!d. A couple of time in the histories of the Jewish kings in Tanach G:d is called evil. In addition, G=d is the ruler over Satan, the Angel of Death, and so on. So, because we have souls we can choose to a certain extent how we are to live, and G$d may or may not punish or reward us, according to His perfect wisdom. Thus, as the rule of karma applies, if we do good, then eventually good things will happen to us, and if we do evil eventually G-d is probably going to multiply our afflictions.
I do agree with you that the Christian message is quite muddled. To believers, however, to be a Christian is secretly defined as doing what is morally upstanding, while shunning evil.
I do not have a good answer with respect to radioactive dating and the Bible. So far as I can conceive, there once was a time where humanity became nearly extinct due to an ice age, according to the fossil record. The entire world is thus thought to have been repopulated by 70 individuals, according to science. I believe that Noah's flood was actually due to global warming and thawing a glacier, and that the 70 individuals that scientists say repopulated the world, are the 70 nations of the Bible following the flood.
I believe that it is possible that we have miscalculated the age of the birth of Hebrew. There is ancient Hebrew (no vowels, only consonants), as our human ancestors probably could only speak with consonants (see The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins), and there is modern Hebrew, which of course has vowels. Modern Hebrew was created through isolating a child in Jewish culture, and deigning the words he came up as Hebrew. Please keep in mind that no one had spoken perhaps middle Hebrew or Ancient Hebrew for roughly 2,000 years before Modern Hebrew was created. Talmud and Torah through the Middle Ages etc were studied in the vernacular, but the Hebrew was only read, not spoken. This is one reason I believe Hebrew is very similar to old French according to Rashi, meaning that Rashi had adopted old French into a Hebrew creole. Rashi is best known for writing what is often called the most important commentary on the Torah.
Forgive me if I am in error in the delivery, but if I can remember correctly, reconciliation of the modern dating system science is possible through Torah. Observing the dates of the Bible, I was able to conclude that through taking Torah (non-Tanach {I think it was}) dates and connecting them with modern dates, I was able to come to an interesting conclusion with respect to the Hebrew word “Yom,” which can mean either day or age. This word “yom” is also used in the creation story, which is why some folks believe in the Day-Age Theory. At the time of the flood, G-d numbered Noah’s years, saying that man’s days are numbered 120. If you factor in Torah one of the years of a person’s life is actually 120 years of our time because of this verse, then we are accurately able to date the time of near human extinction in the fossil record in Torah. In addition, the fossil record contains 2 departures from Africa, one being that of Abraham, the other being that of the Israelites fleeing Pharaoh. Using this system, it is also possible to conclude that the Canaanites were the Neanderthals, and that for some of us our ancestors intermarried with them, as we have their DNA. There is definitely fossil record of Neanderthals in Israel, which is the land of Canaan. Additionally, I am fairly certain that while all know white people have Neanderthal DNA, it is the Jews that are Jewish via lineage that have the highest concentrations of Neanderthal DNA.
This raises an interesting question, which you, yourself, posed. Why the hell is everything with respect to the Bible so muddled, be it any religion, as though I like Judaism on paper, I still think people are people? For one, Paul and the Talmud are correct on one thing, that the Jews have Torah. However, that is not to state that the Jews fully comprehend Torah. That is, G-d gave the Torah to the Jews in a state, very similar to the way the Jews are now, and not all comprehend this Torah though many of the Jews wrestle with it in their life, and indeed some go on to become Rabbis and probably fewer become students of these Rabbis.
One conclusion is that each name of every person in Torah, or at least Genesis is actually a tribe, and not a single person.
I resent that about donating other people's money. i do give money to charity, and I am a charity case. The Bible says that the poor should not be so impoverished that they are unable to give back, and that describes my situation. There, in the play by play I did charitable a good deed by letting you know that. I used to be an electrochemist several years back, and having mental illness even I could see that I would cost tax payers less on SSI, not to be confused with SSDI, if I just take a check and stop doing science. Plenty is already known in science and people need to put that to use and not just publish paper after paper. The system is archaic. Science is supposed to be repeatable, but recorded written and moderated commentary on articles isn't done, especially since terabyte drives are commonly available. The Jews have been doing this since the Dark Ages through Talmud. Science isn't all that grand and it costs a lot of money, so I decided not to add to the problem, and see what I could do that might benefit people in the form of charity.
Jews Have Torah,
MASS Health,
Science Funding,
Friday, October 25, 2013
My Collected Thoughts to the Chabad.org Article, “Why Don't You Spell Out G-d's Name?” By Aron Moss
Dramatic Pause, Then
Thought, and Least of All Execution
If I ever wrote about Gd
when I didn't know Him; that is when I used God. However, because of that I
have this wonderful neural pathway where first I think of The Blessed Be He, as
God, but then I pause to think about how I will communicate my idea about G_d
to an audience. That pause is crucial to paying respect to G:d, such that I
give Him His due respect. The actual way G-d appears in my writing has very
little to do with the personal respect I attribute to Him, but rather through
permutations of God, anticipating them, and trying for slight randomness before
writing Gd with variability gives my brain the kick it needs to continue
treating God with the utmost respect. Thus, the written form is not as
important as the thought behind it. However, for someone reading this the
cryptic nature of my post may cause additional thoughts for the reader that are
also beneficial, as it should be clear far beyond a reasonable doubt that I'm
trying to show the utmost respect.
Craig Hamilton
Sandwich, MA
Sandwich, MA
I have a second opinion
about vowels. I believe Hebrew was originally spoken without vowels and thus
none are written. There is ample evidence to show that the hominid ancestors of
humans could speak on only using consonants. If you need a reference that
confirms that hominids at one time could speak only with consonants, then I
suggest the book, “The Ancestor’s Tale” by Richard Dawkins.
Craig Hamilton
Sandwich, MA
Sandwich, MA
I no longer use God or
G-d, but Goad. Goad is much more descriptive than G-d. Everyone that conceives of G-d has his or her own idea of what G-d is, and they not only vary from
religion to religion, but even among followers of particular religions. Let's
be frank. Goad is an Almighty and Universal motivator. Goad motivated the
universe into being. Goad motivates us to be ethical and Goad rewards us and
punishes us according to the Goading we receive from Goad. We could even
consider ourselves to be imitating Goad if we do some of the motivating
Craig Hamilton
Note 10/25/2013: Obviously I no longer do this. Additionally, two spelling changes where corrected.
- Google says -
~search results~
660,000,000 for God
127,000,000 for Craig
92,100,000 for G-d
2,580,000 for chabad
By those rules, I would say, "Even if I post my name, God, and or G-d it ends up in the same place." nych nych nych nych
660,000,000 for God
127,000,000 for Craig
92,100,000 for G-d
2,580,000 for chabad
By those rules, I would say, "Even if I post my name, God, and or G-d it ends up in the same place." nych nych nych nych
Craig Hamilton
Sandwich, MA
Sandwich, MA
10/25/2013: These search results seem to
change daily.
That the author
attempted to show respect shows good intent. He has greater righteousness than
that person that paid attention to spell check. It is likely that any attempt
to show respect to the divine Name that gains popularity is likely to receive
recognition by a computer program. However, I would say that since we now know
that G-d is in some spell checkers, I would say, “Spell check should be ignored
when considering respect to the Name.” Upon analysis of writing, we will simply
know the meanings of various forms of respect.
Craig Hamilton
Sandwich, MA
Sandwich, MA
I think you
misunderstood. I do not understand how what you write beyond your third
sentence refutes me.
My suggestion is that people worshiped Odin after his death when polytheistic mythologies were generated in Norway. In fact, several people in my line had the same deification lie generated, such as Beowulf, Thor, and Zeus. Likewise, I want no generation of a lie that I am a deity either, as it is possible people are already calling me "Lord Chaos" in internet mythologies, as "chaos Craig" was my nickname years ago (Internet Book of Shadows).
My suggestion is that people worshiped Odin after his death when polytheistic mythologies were generated in Norway. In fact, several people in my line had the same deification lie generated, such as Beowulf, Thor, and Zeus. Likewise, I want no generation of a lie that I am a deity either, as it is possible people are already calling me "Lord Chaos" in internet mythologies, as "chaos Craig" was my nickname years ago (Internet Book of Shadows).
Craig Hamilton
Sandwich, MA
Sandwich, MA
10/25/2013: Never mind this post. It is crud. See craig-ancestry.blogspot.com for more.
I count Odin and Thor in
my direct paternal ancestry and I suggest posthumous deification occurred. Does
Paul Bunyan ring a bell? King Wittekind son of Odin, another of my paternal
ancestors was a Norse Pagan and forced into Christian conversion after
Charlemagne executed possibly 4,000 of his men at Verdun. Anyone who has
studied mythologies of other cultures understands that most "gods,"
were actual people, having an actual day of birth and a day of death. King
worship is common to Jewish history as well. It may be an area of confusion in
popular thought. Check out the book Antiquities of the Jews (Flavius Josephus)
for examples of king worship of David son of Boaz.
Craig Hamilton
Sandwich, MA
Sandwich, MA
Note 10/25/2013: Never mind this post. It is mostly crud. See craig-ancestry.blogspot.com for more.
Faith is Logical!
Driving Force = Matter /
If God is "Driving Force," then Driving Force is one, while matter and decay describes the cycle of reality.
If a human is "Driving Force," then decay is variable, while matter is the flesh. The driving force of a human is the soul. The goal is for humane Driving Force, such that freewill connects us in harmony; otherwise stated for a human to be of God. Reworded, the goal of freewill is to find the meaning of God, and not only know this meaning, but to act in accordance to the will of God. Thus, decay of human flesh always perverts the meaning of God, the Collective Singular that we live in. To disbelieve in God is to deny Torah, or literally to believe that there is no consequence for action.
If God is "Driving Force," then Driving Force is one, while matter and decay describes the cycle of reality.
If a human is "Driving Force," then decay is variable, while matter is the flesh. The driving force of a human is the soul. The goal is for humane Driving Force, such that freewill connects us in harmony; otherwise stated for a human to be of God. Reworded, the goal of freewill is to find the meaning of God, and not only know this meaning, but to act in accordance to the will of God. Thus, decay of human flesh always perverts the meaning of God, the Collective Singular that we live in. To disbelieve in God is to deny Torah, or literally to believe that there is no consequence for action.
Craig Hamilton
Sandwich, MA,
Sandwich, MA,
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Faith, Fear and Trembling
Maybe I am not talking about Judaism, but I think I am in
this article. Fear and faith seem
forever entwined in this world that Gd has made for us. This is even healthy, and the way creation is
meant to be. That’s what the author of Philippians
tells us, which does make me question the authenticity of this blog.
My idea of Hashem is that, He, The Blessed Be He, is as a nice
man who out of curiosity likes to pick us humans up as if we are chickens in
the coop. Hashem enjoys our trembling as
we pursue our salvation.
Haughty hearts Hashem despises. People curse their situations when they
should sacrifice all negativity that they may have toward Hashem and just trust
that He has our best interests in mind provided that we observe and do the
things required of us in Torah. Judgment
of Gd is a pathway to hell.
The Blessed Be He,
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
What Is The Worst Kind of Corruption?
Judges hold the key to freedom. Police are sometimes overzealous and have
guns. Politicians could sodomize each
other for all I care. I don't believe politicians have had any sort of sovereignty
since Obama took office, not like
what happened when Bush Jr. was in office.
People feared Shrub because he was borderline dumb and he
had the legislature by their balls. Obama may have some accomplishments, yet
some of them I imagine are faked, such as the slaughter of Osama bin Laden. President Obama's asshole commentary on the
economy leads me to suspect that because it is so full of distortions that it
is essentially lies.
Politician or judge are among the worst kinds of corruption, and it really depends on who is in the position of
power that determines which is the worst kind. Serving on the Supreme Court is a
life sentence, and under our borderline corrupt Supreme Court, there is
potential for some really bad decisions.
However, I think 5 to 4, that vote that wins usually reflects my opinion
though most opinions I agree with and they are better than 5 to 4 decisions. If that wasn’t the case I think that would be
very horrible.
Under Bush Jr. we had the horrible Patriot act and the
even more horrible Patriot II act. I
remember those times being paranoid. The
legislature was in power then, and I feared them for no other reason than the
amount of poor decisions they made. That
was when the economy was in a downward spiral.
Currently, President Obama is doing a good job remaining composure, such
that the Union hasn’t crumbled.
Under Obama though perhaps I should fear him like a
leader, I just don't. As far as a judge
goes, I have only been called to do jury duty once and they didn't take my
panel. That is the closest I have been to a courtroom in my life.
I do know what it is like to be locked up for mental
illness. After a few weeks it got
boring. I felt trapped. However, I would liken that sort of lifestyle
to living in a city. I don't like the
city; all eyes are watching so it would seem.
George Bush Jr.,
Osama bin Laden,
political sodomy,
President Barrack Obama,
Supreme Court
Monday, September 16, 2013
**** Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth by Reza Aslan – Aslan Finds the Real Jesus
Perhaps, the greatest insight of this book is right at the
beginning. Reza Aslan refuses to accept
Jesus as Christ, something that is completely absurd, and looks deeper into
developing who Jesus was based on what we know, what we don’t know the great
supposition that Jesus is really only Jesus of Nazareth, and not some sort of
deity or Christ. That is Jesus is Jesus
of Nazareth and not Jesus Christ.
This book is full of wonderful insights to Jesus of
Nazareth. My major criticism of Zealot
in Part 1, chapters 1-6, is the overuse of names of ancient times, using them as
if they were commonly known among us modernists of this century, and discussing
these people, as if we might even find out who they where if we googled them.
Really, I don’t know of any other work where the information
in part 1 is available. I have never
come across much of any of it elsewhere, to gauge my opinion of it fairly. In fact, part 1 could have probably been made
into a book by itself, all the while elaborating more on the various characters
of the text, if there is anymore text available.
I come as a fairly knowledgeable person, reading this part
1, as a non-Christian, and even still it practically puts me on Mars. I am not used to these words. There were many capital letters to nouns, proper
nouns that I am unfamiliar with.
In Part 1, Reza paints a picture that is hard to verify even
without some grand library. It is a
picture that maybe someone like they highly decorated and great scholar Bart
Ehrman would readily recognize. However,
for me, not knowing who each of these seemingly unknown and new entrances to
the theological playing field at the time of Jesus is quite overwhelming. I won’t criticize Zealot so much as to say
that the reader probably won’t even get the crucial main ideas because of the
difficulty knowing enough to criticize what Aslan is writing about in Part 1.
Part 2 is information that I don’t know cold, but most of
which I am familiar with. Reza Aslan did
a really good job with this part of the book.
If there was any way to fix this book, it would be to be able to distill
part 1 and part 2 into a single part.
However, that much I don’t believe is possible due to missing information.
Even though this work comes almost 2,000 years after the
fact, I would say that it is as relevant to the teaching of Jesus as any work
in the New Testament. I almost see this
book as the nearly the Final Testament, as what more could be done in the study
of Jesus of Nazareth, such that we can put him in his proper place, as an intelligent
Zealot from the underclass looking to change the face of Judaism, as well as
gaining a following of poor Jewish folk who probably identified with Jesus of
Nazareth as a person from a tough background, such that his early followers
probably took because Jesus was born into impoverished circumstances and his
followers wanted his story to be the one that was told, instead of that of rich
Frankly, a part of me thinks that the reason Jesus despised
what was going on in the Temple so much is that he was jealous of the money
that was being made there, and would have accepted a priestly job if he were
given one early in his life; late in his life though this was impossible, as he
was a committed zealot messiah against the religious establishment; the Temple
priests were his enemy, and he hated them for their wealth because it seemed
that he was born into an unjust world.
Like part II, part III is also familiar, but I think it
doesn’t even do justice to the start of the Christian religion cult, which
really began under Constantine, with his vision, and the teaching of Jesus that
Jesus said he had not come to bring peace, but that he had come to bring a
sword. Constantine’s sword is the true
story of how Christianity began as a religion.
Christianity would have burned out like other cults without Constantine
and his ethnic cleansing for the sake of “Christ.”
I Didn't Write This, But Preventing Animal Cruelty Is Very Close to My Heart
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Thursday, September 12, 2013
Utopian Atheism: A Threat to an Age of Peace
One of the greatest threats I see to entry to the Messianic
age, what is referred to as the 1,000 years, in the book of Revelation, is the
idea of the noble atheist. “Noble
atheists” don’t believe in Gd because they see everything that is bad that has
happened in history as the result of human faith; things such as the Crusades,
the Inquisition, and more recently the Holocaust. IMHO these horrors have everything to do with
Gd, and that there are winners and losers.
The righteous receive rewards.
The wicked are eventually punished or cut off.
The concept “noble atheist” is the idea that if we could
just rid humanity of god or God in every way, because there is not Gd according
to atheists, then we could achieve some sort of utopia. This is the ideal to atheists that is unlike
other utopias in that it is more like what atheists might term normal living
through not associating Gd to life’s ups and downs.
My fellow friends, this is not what Gd wants for us and I don’t
believe that He will tolerate all noble atheists, as some of these people, like
Christopher Hitchens, will probably just grow angrier and angrier at Gd until
their punishments become unbearable, leading them to death. They won’t even know that the stones thrown
from the heavens, nor their followers know that the stones thrown at them from
the heavens are due to their deeds because they have wronged the Almighty.
Eventually, Gd will not tolerate the idea of the noble
atheist, except for maybe the secular humanist, because these people are cut
off from Gd’s word, the Bible. As Ravi
Zacharias said, “Without the Bible, the world would be without a compass.” Now I know he, Ravi, is a Christian. However, there are a lot of Christians that
do a lot right, and just a little wrong.
I know that I have associated Christianity as being one of the great evils
of our world, and that Hashem is the only answer to Christianity, but that is
not to say nothing good ever came from Christianity. Hopefully, Christians will come to see that
Judaism is the only way, and that Jesus does not represent, “The way, the truth
and the life,” at all for Talmud includes, “Jesus is in hell where he is
boiling in hot excrement.”
1,000 years, Book of Revelation, Atheists, Hashem,
Christians, righteous, wicked, secular humanism, Ravi Zacharias, Talmud,
Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust, utopia, Christopher Hitchens
age of Moshiach,
age of peace,
Book of Revelation,
Christopher Hitchens,
Ravi Zacharias,
Richard Dawkins,
secular humanism,
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Syria and Russia - Not Our Allies, Not Even Close
I don't care who does what on whom in Syria because both the Regime and the Rebels are our enemies.
The whole deal with Russia is a distraction. Russia is not our ally, so what will Russia do during chemical weapons inspections; flip a quarter. The odds are 50/50 and not only that, they shouldn't matter.
It shouldn't matter because we shouldn't be the world's policeman when we are starkly in debt. We need to stop making excuses for ouselves to raise the debt ceiling, and get things under fiscal control.
I am surprised that President Obama is still pushing for war despite Russia's action. I would have thought that he was looking for a way to back out of the chemicals weapons corner that he put himself in.
One of my Facebook friends posted the following truth that I think is very important before we go into this war, and why we should not go to war, even for a short period.
Mish Shedlock notes the quote of the day goes to Abby Martin who says "We're killing Syrians to Show Syria that Killing Syrians is Wrong.". I (my Facebook friend) would modify the quote slightly to: "We're killing Syrians to Show Syria that IMPROPERLY Killing Syrians is Wrong."
The whole deal with Russia is a distraction. Russia is not our ally, so what will Russia do during chemical weapons inspections; flip a quarter. The odds are 50/50 and not only that, they shouldn't matter.
It shouldn't matter because we shouldn't be the world's policeman when we are starkly in debt. We need to stop making excuses for ouselves to raise the debt ceiling, and get things under fiscal control.
I am surprised that President Obama is still pushing for war despite Russia's action. I would have thought that he was looking for a way to back out of the chemicals weapons corner that he put himself in.
One of my Facebook friends posted the following truth that I think is very important before we go into this war, and why we should not go to war, even for a short period.
Mish Shedlock notes the quote of the day goes to Abby Martin who says "We're killing Syrians to Show Syria that Killing Syrians is Wrong.". I (my Facebook friend) would modify the quote slightly to: "We're killing Syrians to Show Syria that IMPROPERLY Killing Syrians is Wrong."
Monday, September 9, 2013
Judaism and Creationism: What Came First, The Chicken or The Egg?
It is said that Adam and Eve were created with the
appearance of being 20 years old in the Garden of Eden. How can this be so? If Gd created the universe with the
appearance of age, isn’t that deceptive?
The very meaning of deception is to create something that
looks a certain way such that one would only think that it would be a certain
age through analysis. In the answer,
there is an unfolding of the very meaning of age.
The world was made not with the appearance of age, but with
the appearance of perfection, because the L-rd Gd would only create something
perfect, and leave it to us to keep it that way. And, He promises that eventually earth will
be like it was in Gan Eden. The only
requirement is massive amounts of righteousness. Gd did not make a world where Adam would look
at a tree and think, wow that tree looks old.
That was not the intent. Gd’s
intent was for Adam to look at a tree and think, not about its age, but just
simply, “Wow!!! That looks perfect!!!”
We know this because the L-rd Gd is good. His ways are worthy of emulation. Because Gd is good we can know that the world
was not created to deceive us that the world was old, and aged. That would be an action not attributable to a
Mighty Deity. The Almighty Gd created
the world to look perfect in an ageless way. We humans often place too much emphasis on the beginning and ending of things such as life cycles.
Torah does not lead us to believe that things were created
with the appearance of age. However,
Torah does lead us to believe that the world was created in a state of
perfection, Gan Eden. Things where not
created with the appearance of age; they were created in their ideal state;
something time does not know.
Chances are that we didn’t grow up in the Garden of
Eden. The world we grew up in was
imperfect. However, that perfect way
that we probably never knew was outside of age because usually we associate age
with death and dying, but yet the Garden of Eden had neither of these things.
In Judaism, our souls are eternal, such that birth is merely
a state of the soul. As time passes, we
gain deeper understanding to the world at birth, so it is true that birth is an
earlier state of life, and that infants aren’t born with much more than they
need to know, and primarily what they do know revolves around motivating
parents or care takers to feed them and change their dirty diapers, etc.,
through crying. However, it is such that
before we were on earth we did not know of age, and we came down to earth, and
suddenly time became a very important issue of our lives; in fact for most of
us, too important! Our slavery to the
clock in fact is one sign that we live in a fallen and imperfect world. Gan Eden didn’t last long!
So, looking at a perspective; did the chicken come first or
the egg is that chickens were created before they came into being, before time,
as what we would call before an earthly state, but that the first chicken came
to earth at a state of the universe known as the Garden of Eden where
everything was perfect.
It is such that probably Gd probably started with a flock of
chickens some with their eggs ready to hatch in the Garden of Eden with
grandiose splendor.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
2nd Why I Say That I Am the Messiah
A part of the reason why I cleave to the idea of being the Messiah is because I have bipolar. I gave up on the cyclic idea of, "Now I am manic and the Messiah, and then when I am not feeling so good saying that I am not the Messiah." There will always come another time when I think that I am the Messiah, so I will own it and I will wear it on my soul.
2nd Why I Say That I Am the Messiah
A part of the reason why I cleave to the idea of being the Messiah is because I have bipolar. I gave up on the cyclic idea of, "Now I am manic and the Messiah, and then when I am not feeling so good saying that I am not the Messiah." There will always come another time when I think that I am the Messiah, so I will own it and I will wear it on my soul.
Does Kerry Have A Conscience?
I can't believe Kerry is on board with bombing the Syrians. I would have expected him to resign. I voted him for President. This action, bombing the Syrians, is something he is saying is something that only someone with a conscience would do. However, the way I see it is that the people of Syria had no good choice! Most of the people we are going to bomb had no other choice but to be in the S...yrian military or be a rebel. Those in the military were just following orders where the price for disobedience was death. The other alternative, being a rebel, was never really an alternative at all, as that also carried with it the death penalty. Either side you may choose if you are a Syrian is a death penalty because President Obama is only going to be kicking Syria, our enemy, when they are down. This military action by us is far from courageous.
“ We need to see ourselves as basic miracles.” – Virginia Satir - My Commentary
To look at reality and
think that there are no miracles leads one to believe that everything is absurd.
"Why would there be anything at all, a universe, etc," I would say to
someone who doesn’t believe in miracles.
On a deeper scale, not only is there a universe, but the universe is so vastly complex, just as our bodies are vastly complex, which can only be the result of intent by a fundamental Creator, one who does not belong to time, and one who did not have to be created, Himself.
The greatest minds of modernity have dedicated themselves in whole and in full to grasping even parts human body through medicine. Clearly, if you took your body, and placed a small pin, or thumbtack, upon some part of it, the vast quantity of meaningful knowledge to our humanity could be represented by the part of the skin that the pin does not occupy.
How the universe came into being is another matter, I believe that there wasn’t a first other than what God uttered, and those 10 divine utterances in Genesis created the world. Thus, it is such that the universe is the breath of God, a God that created us miraculously. That is, everything is the breath of God, both good and bad.
On a deeper scale, not only is there a universe, but the universe is so vastly complex, just as our bodies are vastly complex, which can only be the result of intent by a fundamental Creator, one who does not belong to time, and one who did not have to be created, Himself.
The greatest minds of modernity have dedicated themselves in whole and in full to grasping even parts human body through medicine. Clearly, if you took your body, and placed a small pin, or thumbtack, upon some part of it, the vast quantity of meaningful knowledge to our humanity could be represented by the part of the skin that the pin does not occupy.
How the universe came into being is another matter, I believe that there wasn’t a first other than what God uttered, and those 10 divine utterances in Genesis created the world. Thus, it is such that the universe is the breath of God, a God that created us miraculously. That is, everything is the breath of God, both good and bad.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Where Is Endgame In Syria?
If you have been following the situation in Syria, then you
probably know that whether Assad is in power or the rebels are in power,
neither is an ideal situation. In fact,
sitting back and thinking, perhaps the situation now is ideal. We have the rebels taking up Assad’s
attention, such that Syria’s hands are tied.
We don’t like Syria because they say only Muslims should
rule, or at least practically all of the people of Syria. Personally, I don’t consider Islamic rule as
ideal, such that I don’t see any sort of world advantage war in Syria will gain
for the USA.
I can’t say that I agree with the use of chemical weapons,
but I don’t see use of chemical weapons as a line of demarcation where it
becomes paramount that the U.S. gets involved.
Please Congress, send a message to the President that we do not want
another war. If it is true that the
Syrian’s are willing to use them on their own people speaks volumes for how low
of a nation this country is.
Strangely, this is coming at a time where we are thinking of
raising the debt ceiling again. I am
wondering if there was foul play and Assad didn’t use chemical weapons, but
some other party used them, so that the President and Congress can gain the
patriotic momentum that they will need to raise the debt ceiling through war. We won’t be able to go to war in Syria if we
don’t raise the debt ceiling.
Remember, this was the time that the Republicans were going
to put down their foot on the issue of the debt ceiling. But, will they put down their foot at the
risk of not having another war? The Republicans
have long been the party that is more trigger happy than the Democrats. So, will we go to war? The answer is yes, and only because someone
has played the war card in Syria, throwing House Republicans in a tizzy. They can’t be the world policeman if they
vote against raising the debt ceiling!!!
So where should the endgame be?: The endgame should be now! 9/2/2013
chemical weapons,
debt ceiling,
foul play,
Islamic rule,
President Obama,
Thursday, August 22, 2013
More of My Comments to Why Do Rabbis Discourage Conversions? By Aaron Moss
If we are keeping a low profile, then we are not doing our job. As Rabbi Tzvi Freeman elucidated in another article it is the mission of Hassidic Judaism to bring Torah to any place that needs it. This was the idea of the Baal Shem Tov. And, that is to bring Torah to the world, and that when this is done the age of Messiah will be here.
If why are bringing the Torah to the world, why then would it be prudent to discourage conversions? So far as I understand, conversions are discouraged in order to give potential converts a push and pull with the culture and religion of Judaism. It is expected that converts accept the entire Torah, and if they can’t do that, then gentiles are still welcome as friends.
I, personally, find the idea of turning away converts to be difficult. Several times it has made me very angry. However, I do not accept the Torah in its entirety, and thus as I understand the Bible, which is paramount in my life, it is not right for me to become Jewish. Specifically, I do not believe that the command to be fruitful and multiply has any relevance in today’s world, as there are billions upon billions of people. If you ask me, then I would say that we are headed toward population dystopia, which I believe is already happening in places like China, where all their major rivers are polluted. However, the vast portion of Torah; I believe, and usually far more than most anyone I ever meet, including Jews.
Really, if we are keeping a low profile [at chabad.org], then what is the deal with this website? Millions come here!!! And, anyone, Jewish or gentile, can ask a question to a Rabbi. I like the rules, as long as I am not excluded. When I was informed that as a friend of the Jews, I would not be treated as a gentile; that was all I wanted to hear!
True I have heard that there once was a time when Jews evangelized, but if anything, we no longer do so because most of us know how obnoxious it is to be evangelized to, us usually being in the minority. All Chabad.org does is to make the Torah available, which is not like evangelizing, except in the most abstract sense. It is putting out loving information that if someone is stumbling upon the Hebrew nation: they are likely to enjoy it.
A reason I don't like evangelism is because it has the potential to rip apart families. I know that my pursuit of Judaism has been somewhat of a stumbling block for my own family, which I might describe as Judeo-Christian. For example, my wife observes Passover with me, but we don’t go all out for it doing things such as clean every last inch of the house to get rid of bread crumbs though usually I do some cleaning. However, I do admit, as far as Judaism goes: I am an addict.
I still believe in encouraging folks to do as they feel is correct. Sometimes folks practice parts of Jewish Law though they aren't Jewish (like myself), and that is great when someone goes the extra mile when they don't have to. I encourage those folks that do so without fear. Fear Gd; not the bully!
Judaism doesn't actively seek converts, and especially it is taught that one does not have to be Jewish in order to be a good person. As we speak, I am happy being a good person. A part of that is that Judaism is at the center of my world, as Torah teaches. I don’t feel like I have to be Jewish though. Conversion would probably only alienate me from my family even more, and I don’t think any Rabbi would support that. Even my wife recognizes that the time I spend at chabad.org has at least taught me a few good things.
Judaism does seek to make Jews observant, such that there is almost evangelism within the religion. Really, this is not evangelism in the sense that Christians or Catholics practice, as Jews believe that the residue of Gd’s speech in Genesis 1 is in all, and that one cannot accurately ask Gd into his or her heart because Gd is already there! That is, all that is what created in the 10 Divine Utterances of Gd, and everything we know of is somehow a derivative of these words.
One reason I choose Judaism over Christianity is that it is accurate. Granted, I probably have a few typos, but for the most part I try to say what I mean. When the words born again come up, to me that means starting from nothing. Being born again sounds as if someone is going to be relearning everything that they have learned up to that point. However, Christians say that it doesn’t really mean that. In fact, whenever I use the literal definition of anything with Christians, they almost always back down and say, “That thing [in the New Testament] doesn’t mean what is says it means. It means something else," such that a whole jargon of Christian speak is created based upon New Testament inaccuracy. Jews often try to make Jews to be better Jews, through Jews trying to get other Jews to be more observant. Rather than a Christian born again experience a complete starting over from nothing. Differently, Jews believe that the goodness in all souls is already present and that it only needs to be revealed if it has in some way become hidden.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Call me Korah (Craig) (Koreck, Korah)
following blog describes how I am immersed in Torah, which is a command of the
Chapter 36:(5) and Oholibamah bore Jeush, and Jalam, and Korah. These are the
sons of Esau, that were born unto him in the land of Canaan.
I was born an Edomite. Additionally, I belong to Haplogroup I, which
is, according to the Jews of the Middle Ages, the Haplogroup of Edom. For example, the Jews often depicted the
rulers of Europe in the Middle Ages as Edom.
Like Edomites, I was wicked, but it wasn’t my fault. Nowhere in Torah does it say that wickedness
is the fault of the child. However, when
I was 21, I encountered Gd, and he spoke to me, and I repented. When I repented, it was revealed to me that I
had a dietary issue where it was that eating certain foods caused me to be
wicked. The test was performed by the
Great Plains Laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Greenblatt, and the
results were that I had opiates that came from eating both gluten or casein,
such that if I cut out these foods, my sense of myself as being a wicked person
was removed.
And these were the sons of Oholibamah the daughter of Anah, the daughter of
Zibeon, Esau's wife; and she bore to Esau Jeush, and Jalam, and Korah.
a youngster, Korah had a chief.
(18) And these are the
sons of Oholibamah Esau's wife: the chief of Jeush, the chief of Jalam, the
chief of Korah. These are the chiefs that came of Oholibamah the daughter of
Anah, Esau's wife.
6: (21) And the sons of Izhar: Korah, and Nepheg, and Zichri.
Korah was a Cohenim. I should note that
after a few generations Edomites are permitted to be in the assembly of
Jews. My grandfather had become
interested in being a Jew, and now as the generations of time have worn on, it
is okay for me to be in an assembly of Jews.
For example, twice I attended service at Cape Cod Synagogue. However, I feel Orthodox is a better
denomination than Reform. There is no
reason for me to convert as, my family is Christian, though I am not Christian,
such that I could not hope to have a Jewish child, because Jewishness is
Chronicles Chapter 6:(3) And the sons of Kohath were Amram, and Izhar, and
Hebron, and Uzziel.
Korah had sons that went to Egypt, where
sons are not necessarily genetic, but are raised by a father.
And the sons of Korah: Assir, and Elkanah, and Abiasaph; these are the families
of the Korahites.
Chapter 16 describes the rebellion of Korah against Moses.
As a result:
And the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up, and their households, and
all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods.
died as a result of what happened to Korah.
I believe that my leaving of New Jersey after having committed idolatry,
as the Torah says my father would turn my head away such that I believed in a
false G-d, and I did though I realized my mistake in having committed idolatry,
such that I moved to a new locality and I repented. It was amazing that I lived after calling
9-11. I am suspicious that my having
committed idolatry and calling 9-11
resulted in the 9/11 terrorism.
However, I am not proud of that incident, and wish that 9/11 never
happened. However, when I was sick and
called 9-11, I was glad that G-d visited me, and I immediately repented from my
idolatry and worshiped YHVH, who spoke to me as I AM.
17:(14) Now they that died by the plague were fourteen thousand and seven
hundred, besides them that died about the matter of Korah.
the sons of Korah, the ones that where loyal to him as a father did not die.
Numbers 26: (11) Notwithstanding the sons of Korah died not.
becomes a Levitical clan, where Levites are spread out throughout the world.
26:(58) These are the families of Levi: the family of the Libnites, the family
of the Hebronites, the family of the Mahlites, the family of the Mushites, the
family of the Korahites. And Kohath begot Amram.
great songs are associable with the Korahites.
Chapter 42, Psalms Chapter 44, Psalms Chapter 45, Psalms Chapter 46, Psalms
Chapter 47, Psalms Chapter 48, Psalms Chapter 49, Psalms Chapter 84, Psalms
Chapter 85, Psalms Chapter 87, Psalms Chapter 88,
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Why Many Scientists Are Atheists
According to my religion, doctors are supposed to act as if there is no Gd when it is time to heal. This action, suspension of belief for the sake of administering healing, is fundamental to the way modern medicine is currently practiced. When doctors find suspension of belief in the practice of medicine works, this is often when pride becomes puffed up, such that they take their job disbelief home with them, and IMO miss out on the joys of faith.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Greatness of Our Niche Means Something Greater Than Gambling Is Responsible
Some people find meaning in life through only standing in awe of creation. They are unable to get beyond this idea. They believe our purpose is our biological niche. I agree, and stand in awe, as well as trying to find my niche. However, humanity has found that the grandness of our niche is far greater than could be expected from a species of small mouthed monkeys. It can only be explained by the verse in Genesis, "Let them rule (humankind)." As Rabbi Tzvi Freeman states, "We’ve also embraced some truly beneficial ideals that work. Like world peace, human rights, ending global starvation, celebrating human diversity, saving the world’s children, being good stewards of our planet, making knowledge accessible to all, and just spreading random acts of kindness and beauty everywhere to everyone." These ideas, such as contemplation of how to care for the planet seem far greater than the idea of chance that the universe was essentially gambled into existence, as science would have us believe.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Cyanobacteria, Trees, the Sun, and the Day Age Creation Theory
This image is of cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria existed, and they still exist as one of the most essential species ever- otherwise known as blue green algae as the seeds (ancestors) of trees before the sun was created. Like trees cyanobacteria can process sunlight, although unlike trees, they do not need it. This is because in science a species can acquire a trait without immediate use for it.
I happen to be a day age theorist with respect to science and with respect to the Bible that the days of creation where not literal 24hr days. I have written on this subject elsewhere, with other conflicts in the Genesis creation account resolved without deviation from what most scientists teach with respect to how the universe and our world came into being.
In the Genesis creation week, I translate the Hebrew word, “Yom,” which is usually used to mean a literal 24 hour day, to mean an age. Though this is not the usual translation of yom, sometimes yom is translated to mean an age in other biblical literature. For example, one Psalm writes that, “A day (yom) of Gd’s time is like 1,000 years of man’s time, or a watch in the night.”
This theory, the day age theory often has criticisms that I resolve. In support of this theory, Cyanobacteria, the cells that evolved to have chloroplasts existed for before the Cretaeous extinction. The Cretacious extinction that blotted out the sun and caused an estimated 95% of species to become extinct is the period.
How can this be? I believe that the Hebrew creation week should rather be translated that seeds of what would evolve as trees, specifically cyanobacteria, where created before the sun came into existence. Thus, this explains why the "trees" did not die for lack of sun. The primitive chloroplasts existed while the sun was blotted out. Thus, I suggest that on age 3 of creation, these cyanobacteria evolved.
As a part of evolution, it has been proven that cells can evolve. Richard Dawkins mentions this in his book, “The Greatest Show On Earth.”
In conclusion, according to the fossil record shows the Genesis creation account to be true. The chronological period, age 3, where in the Bible seeds of trees, cyanobacteria where created - complete with a chloroplast serving no purpose - occur before the creation of the Sun, but not before Day, or Light.
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The majorities of faith associated religions include Christians and Muslims, and while there is a very small minority of Christians that worship like Jews, not messianic Jews, however, billions of Christians do not worship in the way that Jews do.
Most Jews would probably say Islam is closer to Judaism than Christianity. The Jews that say Islam is closer to Judaism than Christianity are correct. It is a shame when Jews and Muslims don't get along. Islam and Judaism should be like monotheistic brothers. From the perspective of Judaism, calling Gd Allah is probably just fine, as Allah means, "Hallelujah," in English.