Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Greatness of Our Niche Means Something Greater Than Gambling Is Responsible

Some people find meaning in life through only standing in awe of creation.  They are unable to get beyond this idea.  They believe our purpose is our biological niche.  I agree, and stand in awe, as well as trying to find my niche.  However, humanity has found that the grandness of our niche is far greater than could be expected from a species of small mouthed monkeys.  It can only be explained by the verse in Genesis, "Let them rule (humankind)."  As Rabbi Tzvi Freeman states, "We’ve also embraced some truly beneficial ideals that work. Like world peace, human rights, ending global starvation, celebrating human diversity, saving the world’s children, being good stewards of our planet, making knowledge accessible to all, and just spreading random acts of kindness and beauty everywhere to everyone."  These ideas, such as contemplation of how to care for the planet seem far greater than the idea of chance that the universe was essentially gambled into existence, as science would have us believe.

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