Saturday, April 20, 2013

3rd Criticism of Intelligent Design: It is not obvious that Gd is involved in creating us from nothing.

Yah is a spark of divine wisdom that creates the idea of the universe incomplete as if the universe is an idea in the mind of Gd, as we humans may create ideas without bounded form in our mind. For instance, the mathematical concept of infinity was created by a human. Elokim is as the vessel that is the body for the creativity, housing the divine image, making it conform to the rules of the universe.

An idea is as pure electricity. It is a bolt of lightning within the mind. It's body is exceedingly light in weight despite the power of the bolt. It has virtually no mass, and is almost completely Yah. An example of these bolts of lightning in our mind is that for example, Gd has given each of his holy ones an image of the Temple in Jerusalem.  We see this image in our minds eye because it has been given to us by Hashem.

Conversely, for every heavenly idea, and for every heavenly idea implemented there is a converse sefirot that would be ungodly ideas in the mind of Gd, and unGodly ideas, such as ideas of perhaps new ways to package pornography. These horrible ideas are also in the mind of Gd though these people are sinners. They must atone for their sins. Yet, Gd is tolerant of horrible ideas, ideas which are the converse of love in the heavenly spirit.

So, we see the tolerance of Gd negating Hashem's good and upright ways.  We wish he could speak to us before it is too late, or before we are to old.  Yet, so many of us have bought the ideas of false gods, especially in these times, the Christian gods (God the Son, God The Father, and God the Holy Spirit), as Jesus was certainly not Gd, and was a good teacher at best, but was most likely the anti-christ.

We wonder why can't Gd save all of us, and why can't we all go to heaven?  Wouldn't a loving G-d want that for us?  Yet, there is no escape from Hashem.  We can not escape him even in the grave, and this is because Gd must bring us to our lowest low before we are ready to accept His divine plan, which is the complete opposite as his plan for tolerance of sin.  The aim is that through presenting us with His maze, the universe, that we will all come to worship him and do good for the sake of Hashem, fearing him reverently.

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