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Saturday, March 23, 2013
Bollocks: Scientific and Relgious
It's good to know that I am a religionist who doesn't fall into any of these [major or minor] categories [completely].
I do however credit Gd with intelligence beyond intelligence, and thus, I do believe in intelligent design. I also believe in faith healing, as well as that curses can be efficacious. Thus, I do believe prayer can work. Likewise, I also believe in karma.
It is a little bit of everything many scientific folks call quackery.
What I find is that Dawkins, like a typical person with a doctoral degree has such desire to make dumb folk act like parrots. The doctoral degree is absurd because doctors present themselves as gods, meaning that Dawkins and other doctoral folk are taught to take the necessary measures to make regular folk submit to their way of life.
Science has a lot of bollocks too. [Many] scientists publish stuff in lesser journals in order to avoid greater scrutiny that would come from publishing in a better journal. And, this science bollocks is done just to get funding.
What about science bollocks? Peer reviews by people that haven't repeated the experiments, but somehow feel they know enough to comment on them, though the comments aren't recorded. What about the prevalence of admission that if someone finds a journal article he or she can't repeat, then they blame it on themselves, not even bothering to make note? Why aren't records kept on who is able to repeat experiment? Why is it such that if other people can't repeat the science bollocks a record is not kept of the amount of times the information in a journal article has failed to work?
If peer review isn't how I suggest it is, then please inform me. Peer review is done by your peers in science, but that is all. It is not a review of people that have repeated the experiment. In fact, many times the experiment is not even done, but it is published as if it were done. If it doesn't have error bars, then chances are it is just a theory, which someone may or may not be able to make a fact. Please inform me about the way science peer review works if you think I don't have it right.
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http://www.senseaboutscience.org/data/files/resources/16/IDontKnowWhatToBelieve_web2011.pdf I read it and learned nothing new. All my claims remain the same. Sorry, that you can't understand my point of view. However, the mind does have some plasticity to it so there may be hope for you.