Thursday, February 14, 2013

Christianity Is Not All Bad. For example,

When I took on the task of learning Judaism, I was told that I would have to forget everything I had previously learned.  Later, I learned that this idea of becoming familiar to Judaism is like experiencing a rebirth, which I believe is what born again Christians talk of, but couldn't explain to me clearly.  At one point in my faith, I was ready to admit to myself that I hadn't a clue what being a born again Christian meant, and it took wise Jews to be able to explain this concept to me so that I could understand, and that when one takes on the Legal system of Judaism a radical reorientation occurs.

Now, the same is happening with respect to the idea that Christians say that their body is as a temple.  When I was exploring Christianity, I hadn't a clue what that meant, but now here I am able to read and understand the parallels between the human body and the Tabernacle.  However, that doesn't mean I am going back to my old ways, as some sort of very confused Messianic Jew.

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