Friday, October 23, 2015

Jerusalem to Win Israel’s Peace Battle

Israel needs to show the world how much she cares about the lives of all peoples, both Jew and non-Jew. If Israel doesn’t care, then she needs to study why she should care.

A reason why Israel should care: Where I live, it is safer than Jerusalem!, safer than it is in the holy land! Sorry if the truth is humiliating, but I think the secret is that we don’t rely on the magic land factor in my town.

Peace requires effort on the parts of citizens! We, the people of my town, Sandwich, don’t complain much about galut. That would be silly. We don’t even have a synagogue in our town! In my town, I am aware of 1 shooting and no stabbings at all. I have lived in Sandwich for about 30yrs – roughly factoring in my years at college.

What I am getting at is not that Jews are bad. Wherever a Jew is, getting to work means less focus on complaining about galut, especially if they are outside of Israel’s boundaries, and more focus on trying to make the place of one’s being, wherever it may be, as how they imagine Israel should be.

Start today and wherever you are - think: What is something I can do to help bring about peace in Israel and in my hometown (or city)?  Israel is supposed to be a beacon of hope, but right now Israel is among the worst places to be on earth.  The world is upside down!

The ideal of peace is not just for Jews or Israelis because in order for a land to be a land of peace, its citizens need to make it that way. It takes work and care!

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