Sunday, May 27, 2012

Words of Power Calling: As Shole.

As I understand it, the soul is the emotive properties of matter.  For example, you can take a picture of something, and it will either look sad or happy.  One of the first email I read from was on how their is spirituality in matter, even a rock.
Aaron tapped a rock for water.  This was probably a well (beneath the surface).  It was water's soul that quenched thirst, but the ability to locate this well was due to reading the surface of rock, an ability of Aaron to know earth in an intimate way.
In the same way, when we look at a worm or an insect, it gives us a certain feel.  It is because creature possesses something within it, albeit visual, that it finds lovely in itself because a creature believes the species it belongs to is the most beautiful of all species.
There is also a place beneath the earth where all souls are equal that we may come to know when we are buried.

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