Monday, May 7, 2012

On Being African

All of us have ancestors that are from Africa.  Really, we are all African.  However, some of us are white African’s that are not albinos.  Purebred folks with more recent African ancestry are less likely to be successful in northern wintery climates.  How do I know this?  Because many years ago after migrating to northern Europe, there starts to be Caucasians in the fossil record.  That is, according to historical genetics, white skin was a mutation that enabled Caucasians to survive in northern Europe.  Those with black skin were not as well adapted to the climate, and thus all the black skinned African’s in that area died off during that period.  Additionally, in warmer climates, white folk are less likely to be successful.  White folk need stuff like sunscreen as they get closer to the equator.  Personally, I have olive toned skin, neither black nor white.  Sometimes I have identified more with black skinned Africans, and sometimes more with white skinned Africans.

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