As I understand it, the soul is the emotive properties of matter. For example, you can take a picture of something, and it will either look sad or happy. One of the first email I read from was on how their is spirituality in matter, even a rock.
Aaron tapped a rock for water. This was probably a well (beneath the surface). It was water's soul that quenched thirst, but the ability to locate this well was due to reading the surface of rock, an ability of Aaron to know earth in an intimate way.
In the same way, when we look at a worm or an insect, it gives us a certain feel. It is because creature possesses something within it, albeit visual, that it finds lovely in itself because a creature believes the species it belongs to is the most beautiful of all species.
There is also a place beneath the earth where all souls are equal that we may come to know when we are buried.

Noah Noach Noahide Noachide Craig Hamilton Abrahamic Religions Sandwich, MA Jewish Moshiach Chabad Judaism Jew evolution creation mysticism Kabballah Tanya Torah 613 Mishneh Torah Ethics of the Fathers Pirkei Avot Muslim Qur'an Islam Ishmael Mohammed British Israelism Zerahites Zerah Zeus Perez Poseidon idolatry Christian idol House of David Messiah Moshiach Mashiach Kabbalah Esau Edom Edomites middle ages medieval Maimonides Rashi The Lubavitcher Rebbe Sabbath Shabbat Talmud
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Never Again!
If you think having oodles of people is just grand, go to
China where there are so many people that there isn’t even clean drinking
water. All seven of its major rivers are
polluted. What you are saying is that a
large population is ideal. Your records record
Jews have at times been obedient, but sometimes they have also rebelled. Was the Holocaust really the last time? “Never again!” really? Yeah right!
It was probably said that the Golden Calf incident that that would be the last time too! Is it a Jewish tradition to say, “Never
again!” in each generation? Would Gd
never allow a Jewish pig sty? Don’t be
naïve! If Gd allowed the Jews to be as
pigs in a sty, it wouldn’t be the first time.
Read your history books. Put a
gun to many-a-Jew’s head and he will toss the cyanide into the gas chamber,
just like before. Wake up! The more people that there are the more
difficult it becomes to keep the sty clean.
Your idealism realized is a dystopia of filth.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Invention: Solomon’s Rub Ease Cream
The invention is primarily in name only. It would be a standard cream designed to
prevent chapping of the penis after or during masturbation. It could probably be petroleum jelly based,
or use another base for the purpose of lubrication.
The market for the cream would be primarily for religious
folks. It would be the type of cream
that a father could sit down and have the talk about the birds and the bees
with, hand him some cream and say, “This is what we have to do.” This is a quotation that comes from ancient
texts where it is reported that someone said this respect to the Virgin Mary,
where the person who said that followed his worth with the action of eating his
The cream would come with a Bible verse on it, “Proverbs
31:10 A wife of valor who can find? She is worth more than rubies.” Thus the cream Rub Ease would be a play on
the word, “rubies.” Please note, the following
verse comes from the 1917 JPS Bible, which as I understand is free, in the
public domain without copyright. If
there is a copyright to that Bible, then the King James Version (KJV) could be
used. It may be best to use the KJV
since it carries with it the word, “Authoritative,” and many people are
attached to it for that reason. Proverbs
31:10 in the KJV is as follows, “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price
is far above rubies.”
The mission of the product would be to encourage men to go
home and rub one out rather than have sex with a substandard woman, possibly
getting her pregnant and the man to cough up a small fortune in child support
The 2nd mission of this product would be to get
it into common drug stores, such as CVS, or general stores, such as those one
might find at a gas station or maybe a chain like Christie’s. Thus, this product should be intended to be
popular among men, and not in some back alley way. Stores interested in the product would be
encouraged to keep it near the condoms.
Also, it might be a good idea to contact a company like Hustler and see
if they would be willing to carry a sample of the cream in one of their
issues. Also, it might be sold at a
vending machine in a men’s bathroom.
The idea is similar to the Ezekiel brand bread.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Karma: Humane Treatment of Workers Matters, But So Does Value.
When purchasing, we should look for value,
which is the best quality we can afford.
Where does the best quality come from, but from businesses that have the
best karma. If the workers are happy, it
is only natural that they will produce high quality products. You don’t even have to believe in karma is
real. However, it is a fact that workers
who are treated well will usually take pride in what they produce, and that makes
a difference in product quality.
Fact: Angry workers often want to
punish their boss and don’t care about the success of their company. Worker pay is secondary to worker happiness. Money is but a meaningless number, but
happiness is priceless. It is that each
item we purchase carries with it a spirit.
Don’t expect to get happy feelings if you buy products from places that
don’t treat their workers well. Money
never bought anyone happiness, as Ecclesiastes relates a story of a wealthy man
whom Gd has not permitted to enjoy his wealth.
A Child Worm’s Birth: “Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
Hopefully, a day will come when you figure
out why Gd brought you a worm instead of a baby. It is up to you: will you flee Egypt, or
redeem Egypt? Does your soul cry out to
Gd for mercy should you even accidentally harm a worm, even one that came from
your womb? Wisdom without love is but
meaningless excrement. What the Lord
desires is a pure heart that loves Him unconditionally. When we love the Lord unconditionally, and
delight always, then we are ready to grow up and have an honest relationship
with the Lord for then we are serving our purpose for which we were created.
The patriarch Job blasphemed Gd, not in
word but in his soul. Job seemingly does
everything right, but hates Gd. The
young Job missed a crucial point of His purpose. Job was special, but the Christopher Hitchens
route is to study night and day for the sake of smiting the Lord.
Some repent, and some don’t. For every Job there is a fool like Christopher
Hitchens that chooses to rot in excrement rather than repent.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
4th Zerah: Who is Zerah? What are the Zerahites?
Note1: This blog has
some editing done to it from the first time I posted it, which I am pretty sure
was at
Note1: Since the
Bible is Chronological, it is thought that in the lineage to Darda, that
Zerahites belong to several tribes in their life. First, they are Edomite, having some
Ishmaelite affiliations, next they are Judahite, next they are of the tribe of
Simon, next they are of the tribe of Levi, next they are of the tribe of
October 30, 2010 at 7:15 pm (This is the time and date of
the note/blog posting to Facebook.)
of our Fathers 6:3 He who learns from his companion one section, or one canon,
or one verse, or one word, (or) even one letter, is bound to do him honour; for
thus we find with David king of Israel, who learned not from Achithophel but
two things only, that he called him his master, his guide, and his
Bible mentions several Zerahs, or does it? Zerah’s name appears in many
ancestries in not only the Torah, but the entire Tanach. The Tanach is
the Jewish Bible. It does not include the New Testament. This essay
is purely speculative.
36:16 is the first appearance of the name Zerah. He is mentioned as the
son of the Edomite, “Reuel.”
36:13 And these are the sons of Reuel: Nahath, and Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah.
These were the sons of Basemath Esau's wife.
Esau took her as a wife indicates that Basemath was indeed of Abraham’s nation.
The Torah says that Basemath was the daughter of Ishmael (Genesis 36:3).
Ishmael was the firstborn of Abraham’s sons. Basemath was also the wife
of Esau. That makes Zerah in the third generation. First there was
Esau, the brother of Jacob. Next there was Reuel, the son of Esau.
Last there was Zerah, the son of Reuel, but was this an adoption? Zerah
is also the third generation from Jacob. Generation one was Jacob.
Generation 2 was Judah. In generation 3 was Zerah (Generation
38:30). In fact, it is mentioned that Tamar bore Zerah (Genesis
38:27-30). However, if this is the same Zerah, his earmarks were that he
had affiliations with both the Edomites and the Ishmaelites. What I
suggest is that these two supposed Zerahs are the same person that became the
clan of the Zerahites. In fact, though Tamar bore Zerah, he was first
mothered by Basemath. But, Zerah carries the paternal Y chromosome of a
Judahite conferring the scepter, but due to a conversion he was both an Edomite
and a Judahite, and had associations with Ishmaelites. That is that he
was mothered by two tribes. So far, I suggest all Zerahites are mothered
by two tribes, both Ishmaelite and Judahite, and fathered by two tribes Edomite
and Judahite. Perhaps, mothered by
Ishmaelites is not the correct word, rather it is that as an Edomite, Zerah
first has affiliations with the Ishmaelites.
is thought that the marks of an Edomite in today’s society might be such as
joining the military. In fact, my father showed military aptitude and
served his nation as a Captain in the military elite Special Forces.
However, he also possessed some of the earmarks of Jacob as well, as he became
a public school teacher. The earmarks of Jacob would be study.
Furthermore, I possess the Y chromosome of a Regent, indicating the association
of the scepter with my family. Besides the Stewarts, the Hamilton’s are
the second noblest clan in Scotland. I mention this because several
ancestries of mine go back to Zeus. It is thought that Zeus is a
fictional name for the Zerahites.
Numbers 26:13 mentions a Zerah of the Israelite tribe of Simon. This is thought
to be a third conversion of Zerah, and it is a lifetime journey for each
Zerahite to undergo slavery and a wondering in the desert, converting to the
tribe of Simon shortly after slavery. First a Zerahite is an Edomite,
then he is also a Judahite, and then he is also of the tribe of Simon.
How can this be? I reason that nation of Abraham intermingles. In
fact, I suggest that the nation of Abraham is in fact the inhabitants of the
USA. What Zerahites end up doing is starting to master Torah, and that
this is the way of life for them. This is not to say all Zerahites are
righteous (Joshua 7:1). Yet, this is not a call for all people to
intermingle. However, some intermingling is thought to be a part of the
my own personal Egypt, the darkest period of my life, my slavery, worth
it? I said, “No! It wasn’t worth it.” I even got angry at my parents for not having
killed me and put me out of my misery.
However, as life has gone on, I have strived to achieve wellness, which
I feel I have achieved (perhaps?) and life has become as the best dream of
dreams. I am not sure if it will always
be this way, but since my mid 20s I have felt that I have made progress in
achieving wellness, in part due to tremendous family support, and great medical
are yet other occurrences of Zerah of the Bible, but not in the Torah.
The book of Ezra knows of a Zerahiah (7:1), whom had also converted to the
tribe of Levi. It is not clear if Zerahiah and Zerah are both Zerahites,
and this is a place where I need more research. – After doing more research I
have found that Zerahiah was a Zerahite, but that that he and Zerah are not the
same person. Also, there is a great deal
of probability that Zerahiah was a patriarch of the Scots, of the priestly cast.
- This should be less of a surprise than it really is. Jacob
declares the tribe of Simon and Levites are a pair (Genesis 49:5), so it would
be natural for such a conversion to take place. Additionally, the book of
Chronicles lets us know that the Zerahiah of Ezra was of the line of Aaron, and
is thus a Cohenim, or a candidate for being the high priest (5:32).
Evidence of this would be obeying the command of a Cohen gadol to only marry
another conversion is made to the Levite clan of Gershon (Chronicles
6:6). What else would you expect from a politician other than
affiliations with the various divisions of the clans of Abraham? What I am suggesting is that the Zerahites
that descend from Darda/Dara belong to the Levite caste, while those descended
of Zerahiah of the Zerahites belong to the priestly caste.
Chronicles 14:8 lastly mentions “Zerah the Ethiopian.” Perhaps, this
individual was a Zerahite, as we know Zeus had African descendents through the
Royal House of Thebes through Io, such that Pharaoh of the Book of Exodus was
probably an African Zerahite, as the scepter of Judah is not reported to have
been removed during the enslavement of the Israelites. Zerah the
Ethiopian was probably a descendant of Pharaoh, such that all the Israelites
did not leave during the Exodus, but some of the tribe of Judah remained behind
and ruled there. All the attacking Ethiopians where mentioned as having
been slain, but this is not to say that all the African Zerahites were on this
military campaign. This was during the kingship of Asa, which was after
1,000 BCE, but before CE. Therefore, it should be understood that the
word Zerah occurs over the course of thousands of years. There was
probably an original founding member. However, this person was probably
not Zerah the Ethiopian, but I wouldn’t rule it out. Rather, Zerah should
be thought of being as the Zerahites. And, as they are not mentioned as
having died in the JPS Bible, Zerahites are probably still around today.
It is thought that when in 167 BCE, when a statue of Zeus was placed in the
Holy of Holies it mystically led to Zerahites also being considered Cohenim,
and the changing of the name of Zerah to Zerahiah, as only the High Priest is
permitted to enter this sacred place. This radical change of Zerah to
Zerahiah. As a Zerahite, I do consider
that it is likely that the Zerahites do have affiliation with Ethiopians, as I
often feel like I fit in among Africans.
the legends of Zeus are true, then we should also expect a Zerahite to have
relations with Asians as well. Zeus is recorded to have married Europa,
an Asian. This was a source for Asiatic nobility. Though I believe
most Ishmaelites are currently Muslim, I am currently unsure who the Asians are
in the Torah. This is a topic for further research. Personally, I
have had relationships with Asians most of my life, as well as some Africans,
Jews and Ishmaelites.
Hamilton First Kings 2:10 - And David slept with his fathers, and was buried in
the city of David
November 19, 2010 at 4:40 pm
November 19, 2010 at 4:40 pm
Hamilton Note that in 1 Kings 2:10 “Fathers” is plural, suggesting that an
individual can have more than one father.
November 19, 2010 at 4:41 pm
November 19, 2010 at 4:41 pm
Craig Hamilton The word “Fathers” occurs 508 times in the
JPS 1917 Translation.
November 19, 2010 at 4:41 pm
November 19, 2010 at 4:41 pm
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
3rd Zerah: Some of My Comments for
3rd Zerah:
British Israelism and Jews and Greeks Commentary (edited)
16, 2010 at 8:29 pm
articles here:
1:1 Greek Mythology or Paul Bunyan Stories
ancestries of real kings go back to the Greek gods. Plato wrote about this in
Alcibiades. I tend to believe that the gods were real flesh and blood tribes.
For example, Zeus, represents the Zerahites (the rulers, legislators, nobles,
judges, kings, Presidents of the world that are almost all genetically
related), a clan of Judah, the ruling house. Possibly, President Barrack Obama
is a descendant of the royal house of Thebes, an African Zerahite. Hades, Zeus'
brother, represents the Shelahites, another clan of Judah (the Ashkenazi Jews)
that influence the world financially. Here Poseidon, the third of Zeus'
brothers is the Perezites, whose ancestor is Pharez. Because Poseidon and the
Sephardic Jews are linkable by myth, I suggest that the Sephardic Jews are
By Craig Hamilton, Sandwich, MA
Oct 4, 2010
1:2 re: Geode Olympus and Hidden Meanings In
Helena Blavatsky believed Olympus was actually Atlantis, phonetically similar.
And, that place was where the ancient Hebrew kings dwelled after Noah’s ark
landed. I date Noah’s story to tens of thousands of years ago, a time when
modern geneticists say the world was repopulated by a few individuals. The Noah
flood story was thus caused by the melting of the ice after the ice age. Zeus
the Olympiad was probably Zerah son of Judah (Genesis), where his father was
Saturnus (Saturn) of Krit (Crete) otherwise called Jacob (Genesis), as much of
the story matches, as Platonists believed. Here Darda, son of Zerah, son of
Judah [Chronicles] is Dardanus, founder of the Royal House of Troy [Iliad], who
appears in so many royal genealogies that it suggests that the scepter was
never removed. Some myth interpreters confuse Zeus (Zerah son of Judah) and
Jupiter (Judah). If this interests you, then look up Armstrong, and British
Israelism, (better termed European Israelism.)
By Craig Hamilton, Sandwich, MA
Oct 9, 2010
1:3 Hellanus’ line produced King Henry I of
France whose descendants married British nobles, and is not the only from Darda
(Dara, Dardanus) [1 King 5:11, Chronicles 2:6, Iliad]. Geoffrey of Monmouth
wrote Brutus,... ancestor of all British kings, descended from Silvius
[Aeneid], a descendent of Darda. Alfred the Great says that British kings
descend from Woden (Odin), a descendent of Shem, [Anglo Saxon Chronicle]. Priam
is in this line [Langfedgatal], and thus Darda too. Elizabeth II claims descent
from Woden. Norse and British legends contain the flood story. Zeus is
reportedly the ancestor of Darius the Great, a brother to Jews [Macabees], of
whom Henry VII of England descended. Tea Tephi, daughter of the Zedekiah, his
sons were slain, produced Irish nobility [Poem of Leinster] and eventually
Robert I (The Bruce) of Scotland. Most USA Presidents descend from British
kings, such as Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore
Roosevelt and were probably Zerahites.
Hamilton If you are interested in this type of stuff. check out this link:
October 16, 2010 at 8:34 pm
October 16, 2010 at 8:34 pm
1:4 Neanderthal DNA is present in Jews and white
people. This occurred through Judah's marriage to a Canaanite woman in Genesis.
The Jews are thus Shelahites, as they possess the greatest amount of Canaanite
(Neanderthal) DNA. The Torah also mentions that Miriam's skin became white.
Miriam was the sister of Moses. Likewise, Miriam was a clan that did not die
off though Moses is mentioned, as having died. I believe that this is the origin
of all white people. All white people, such as Ashkenazi Jews share a common
ancestor in northern Europe. Moses did
not make it to Great Britain. There is evidence in the New Testament that one
of Jesus' apostles went looking to Great Britain to find the lost tribes of
Israel (Compendium of World History Volume II by Herman Hoeh
October 16, 2010 at 10:31 pm
October 16, 2010 at 10:31 pm
1:5 We know that white people originated about
50,000 ago. All people that are white are descendants of Miriam, the sister of
Moses. The Jews are currently unaware of a skin affliction in the Torah, which
is actually simply being Caucasian. Joshua left behind a group of people, that
eventually became the nation of the Soviet Union.
October 22, 2010 at 6:19 pm
October 22, 2010 at 6:19 pm
1:6 Craig Hamilton The Exodus from Africa occurred
roughly seventy thousand years ago, according the fossil record. It was the
second mass migration from Africa. Then nation of Abraham was a part of the
first mass migration in Genesis.
October 22, 2010 at 6:20 pm
October 22, 2010 at 6:20 pm
1:7 Craig Hamilton When reading the Torah, after
the antediluvian period 1 year = 1 generation, which is 120 years. Thus, all
ages of those in the Bible listed after Noah must be multiplied by 120. For
example, Noah lived 120 years means roughly the tribe of clan of Noah lived
120*950 years or 114,000 years.
October 23, 2010 at 12:20 pm
October 23, 2010 at 12:20 pm
1:8 Craig Hamilton that comes from a passage
where Goad says, "I cannot contend with man's spirit forever. I will
number his years 120."
October 23, 2010 at 12:22 pm
October 23, 2010 at 12:22 pm
1:9 Craig Hamilton
Some more evidence comes from the changing of a Bible verse. My Old Testament
verse. According to my professor, the text says that "Solomon began to
rule at the age of zero." Since, this is impossible according to him, the
Bible translation was changed from that of the best manuscripts. I suggest that
the text is correct, that Solomon began to rule at the age of zero, and that
this means he was under the age of 120 years old.
November 22, 2010 at 6:30 pm
November 22, 2010 at 6:30 pm
as seen through Jacob and Esau
When the House of David ruled, c. 1,000 BCE – 0 CE, this is
Jacob’s blessing manifest upon the Perezites. The Greek and Persian Empires
are the Zerahites from 1,000 BCE to 0 CE. This is period is Jacob’s blessing
manifest upon the Zerahites. My thought is that the reason the Zerahites were
associated with idol worship, such as in the Greek and Persian Empire is that
Edom is associable with idol worship. Thus, Zerah and Zerahites are counted
both as Edom (son of Reuel) and Judah (son of Judah). Furthermore, the reign
of the Zerahites continued unbroken while Edom was in power from 0 CE to 2000
CE, the period of Esau’s blessing, where Jacob's yoke on Edom's neck is
broken, and Edom said, "I will kill my brother Jacob."
Posted By Craig Hamilton, Sandwich, M
Hebrews and Hellenes Relation
If my research is correct, then the H1 haplotype is
"Semitic." Jews are descended from the the Hamites according to the
prophets. Thus, very few Jews are H1. This is not to say that Jews are not
Semites, but rather that Jews descend from converts. H1 is thus the the
marker for Edomite and/or Ishmaelite DNA. For example, Azariah (son of Ethan,
son of Zerah) is said to be a patriarch of the Scots via the Milesian Jews.
While Darda (son of Zerah) is said to be a patriarch of the Vikings before
they left Rome. Genetics tells us that both the Vikings and the Scots have
their origins in the Middle East, and additionally Middle Eastern rune stones
are sometimes found where the vikings resided. The evidence indicates that
both of these groups are H1.
Posted By Craig Hamilton, Sandwich, MA
A thousand apologies, I meant to say haplotype I is Edom, not
haplotype H. Though I need to do more research, haplotype H is likely the
Ishmaelites, whom like Edom are also known for idolatry. Thus, the area where
most whom have haplotype H reside is primarily Hindu, which is another
polytheistic religion. Haplotype I is Edom.
Posted By Craig Hamilton, Sandwich, MA
David has a point.
I don’t like that this commentary has permitted the portrayal
of Greeks as a culture made up of people whom are all alike. If one has seen
one Greek, one has not seen them all. Ex. Aristotle. Generalization of
nations as people that are all one way or another fuels the fires of hatred.
That is not to say that there are not Greeks or that there are not Jews. It
is that not that all Greeks are the nation Javan (though many were). Thus,
not all Greeks have characteristics associable with the word Javan. As I have
pointed out, some Greeks, specifically the rulers, were in fact Semites that
descended from Edom. Just like the Jews, Greeks are living, breathing people,
many of whom evolve to have an identity of their own (not an identity
reducible to nationalistic groupings aside from those in Torah).
Posted By Craig Hamilton, Sandwich, MA
David of Baltimore Makes a Point.
I don’t like that this commentary has permitted the portrayal
of Greeks as a culture made up of people whom are all alike. Ex. “The Greeks
were polytheists.” – Beverly Kurtin If one has seen one Greek, one has not
seen them all. Ex. Aristotle. Generalization of nations as people that are
all one way or another fuels the fires of hatred. That is not to say that
there are not Greeks or that there are not Jews. It is that not that all
Greeks are the nation Javan (though many were). Thus, not all Greeks have characteristics
associable with the word Javan. As I have pointed out, some Greeks,
specifically the rulers, were in fact Semites that descended from Edom, and
that is the most likely source of polytheistic tendencies. Just like the
Jews, Greeks are living, breathing people, many of whom evolve to have an
identity of their own (not an identity reducible to nationalistic groupings
aside from those in Torah).
Posted By Craig Hamilton, Sandwich, MA
Sunday, May 13, 2012
I am not any of the following Craig Hamiltons.
Craig Hamilton shared a link
Interesting. Who is Sylvia.
The Spirit of Sylvia: Who is Craig Hamilton? Hamilton shared a timeline.
Craig Hamilton shared a link
I am not this Craig Hamilton.
Craig Hamilton - Mental Health Advocate, Keynote Speaker ... Hamilton - Mental Health Advocate, Keynote Speaker & Author of Broken Openwww.craig-hamilton.comCraig Hamilton is an Australian radio sports broadcaster suffering from Bipolar Disorder. Best selling author of Broken Open, a Mental Health Advocate & keynote speaker.Craig Hamilton shared a link
I am not this Craig Hamilton.
Craig Hamilton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hamilton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.orgCraig Peter Hamilton (born Dumfries 1 September 1979) is a Scottish internationalist rugby union player. His position is lock and currently he plays at club level for Edinburgh Rugby.- I am not this Craig Hamilton.
Craig Hamilton | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos Craig Hamilton shared a link
I am not this Craig Hamilton.
Comic Art Gallery of Craig Hamilton at Art Gallery of Craig Hamilton at ComicArtFans.comwww.comicartfans.comThe Original Comic Art displayed in this Free Comic Art Gallery is owned by Craig Hamilton. A Comic Art Collection at I am not this Craig Hamilton.
The Art of Craig Hamilton | Facebook Hamilton was born on December 29, 1964 in Macon, Georgia. He was raised there by a “fabulous, beautiful mother,” Josie Kitchens. At age 12 Craig began private art study with award-winning designer and master portraitist, Houser Smith. Weekly classes continued for seven years until Craig gradua...Page: 978 like this Craig Hamilton shared a link
I am not this Craig Hamilton.
Craig Hamilton: Integral Enlightenment | Thank God For Evolution Hamilton: Integral Enlightenment | Thank God For“Michael Dowd has written a book that is at once fun to read and a significant contribution, from which people of all faiths can learn. ”
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