Monday, October 31, 2016

Jesus, messiah-king of Edom

Looking to Genesis ch. 27, both Esau and Jacob were blessed to compete for royal positions by their father Isaac.  Isaac gave Israel a greater blessing than Edom, and thus it is such that we should not abhor Edomites.

I understand Jesus as a messiah-king of Edom, and those who were nobles in medieval Europe all had Edomite genealogies stemming from the Royal House of Troy.  Many agree that the followers of Judaism had terrible times then.  Things are different now.  Already many have said, "This is a good time to be a Jew."  I am hoping that the next 1,000yrs brings prosperous Jewish dynasties, like the reign of Solomon and David 3,000yrs ago.

Maybe there are 1,000yr Gregorian calendar cycles?  And, if there is a Jewish messiah-king, then it could spell the end of the myths of Jesus and his adamant followers.  Count me in!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Can Women Play Musical Instruments Well Or Are They Gender Handicapped?

Typing requires fine motor control. Ex. typing court documents.  Sometimes there has been more male secretaries, while at different times more women have done it.  

Needlework, another fine motor talent, as in making homemade clothes seems to be something that women do better.

Playing instruments requires fine motor movement ~ so why now do so few women take to it in comparison to male artists.  There is probably 1,000 male artists for every female artist.  What gives!!?  I bet that this fact is nothing but motivation that is holding women back.

Check out this website...

Motor skills

“Others in the scientific (and sometimes pseudo-scientific) fields seem to believe that women tend to have naturally better sensory-motor coordination than men.A new study showed that young women have better visual-sensory motor skill coordination than their male counterparts, an argument many times confirmed. It is believed that women excel in fine motor skills while men are better at motor skills that necessitate more strength rather than accuracy.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Dream: Jews and non-Jews Studying Together in Peace

There is so much Torah to study without ever converting.  The way I see it is that I don’t have to be a Jew to study or contribute.  Why not opt in to observe mitzvos, even mitzvos I am not required observe as a son of Noah?  My personal feeling is that if deeds are healthy for Jews, then they are probably healthy for me.  I have studied Chumash, Daily Halachah, Psalms, and Tanya, with plans for others at for several years now.  I have no need to convert to be blessed by Jews.  I hope that this generation will find ways to make peace with other nations of the world - count me in for that one!  Jews studying side by side with non-Jews in study halls has the potential to heal hate.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Jesus, Paul Bunyan, and Santa - Similar Legends

Jesus is the adult version of childish tales; tales such as the myths of Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

1.  Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


2.  Santa Claus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


3.  Paul Bunyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


4.  Easter Bunny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


5.  Ra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


6.  Tooth fairy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


7.  Rosie the Riveter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A list of some entities, other than Jesus, claimed to born by a virgin mother:
  • Horus
  • Alexander the Great 
  • Zoraster
  • Krishna
  • Savior Dionysus
  • The old Teutonic goddess Hertha was a virgin impregnated by the heavenly Spirit and bore a son
  • Balder
  • Baal
  • Osiris
  • Jupiter
  • Tammuz
  • Quetzalcoat
  • Mithra
  • Buddha

From the book, "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors, (by Kersey Graves)" comes this list of saviors that were supposedly crucified, just like Jesus:

From the same book, here are those other than Jesus, claiming to have ascended into heaven: