Sunday, February 23, 2014

Joining The Minority Among Science Researchers: Thinking Outside The Box

It is too early for science to be so bold in its claims with respect to carbon and radioactive dating, which the Rebbe explains in his letter, “The Age of The Universe.”  As I once wrote, we don’t have a working Theory of Everything in science.  We don’t know how oxidative stresses such as corrosion may interact with many of the current various means for dating the universe.  When I read the about the Exodus, I think that it is a sign of maturity to not just discard the story in favor of science.  Remember Proverbs, “Fools rush in.”  It is better to try to be creative, and to ponder ways science and the Bible might both be true.  Perhaps, due to corrosion the Exodus was recorded in the fossil record, in a way that has baffled scientists.  Outside of radioactive and carbon dating, the fossil record show two mass exoduses from Africa, but as you know the dates don’t match given our present understanding of science.  Yet, it is too far of a leap to say that the dates do not match at all.

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