*Daily Quote May 31, 2020
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations...
— Jeremiah 1:5
This is not a call to believe abortion is murder. Israel is Hashem's people chosen to teach the world. Jews have Torah. Other nations do not. Because Christians do not have Torah. They can not study and learn Torah properly. Even Paul of the New Testament knew this (Romans 3:2). Consider this:
*Daily Quote: November 4, 2019
Two things preceded G-d's creation of the world: Torah and Israel. Still, I do not know which preceded which. But when Torah states, "Speak to the children of Israel", "Command the children of Israel" -- I know that Israel preceded all
— Midrash Tana d'Vei Eliyahu Rabbah 14
Torah was offered to the nations of the world, and only Israel wanted it (Mek. Yitro, Pes. R. K. 103b, 186a, 200a), which is G-d's prophecy that Israel is the teachers/prophets of the world, as the verse tells us "I appointed you a prophet to the nations". G-d preordained that He would have a chosen people, and it was so.
Life begins at first breath: Genesis 2:7
Abortion can be a very positive thing (Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything). It has the power to uplift societies from violence and poverty. Women have the ability to know how to make this choice for good. Accidents happen and in this age we have the power not to make things worse for civilization just because hormones can get in the way of the possession of the G-dly spirit because sex is something that arises from the spirit of beasts that we also have (Tanya). It is difficult to rule over our inner beast because it doesn't want to listen to reason. Mercy is called for in this instance. Don't stick it to a woman because she made a bad choice. Men don't possess the ability to make this decision, whether or not to let a fetus to make it to full term. A body is a body, and a life is a life. Inside the womb a fetus grows from the mother, it may not be her body yet, I don't know, but that doesn't matter because a body is only a body. However, a life is a life. Torah is clear on that matter: that a fetus does not have the breath of life and thus is not alive in as the idea is given in biblical terms.
*Quotes are from chabad.org daily study "Today In Judaism"

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