Commented on Answering the Biggest Objections to Christianity - Dr Ravi Zacharias Q&A
G-d is like the Swedish Chef of the Muppets. Don't ask me why He is the way He is. My understanding is that we don't get to judge Gd. G-d Does as He Does, all I can try to serve Him and hope for Moshiach. Find what team you are on; team duck, team shrimp, team salad, or even team pork? I am on team human. I don't eat humans because I am on team humane. G-d is like the Swedish Chef of the Muppets.
What's for diner tonight?! It probably has to deal with what team you are on.
Commented on Answering the Biggest Objections to Christianity - Dr Ravi Zacharias Q&A
Heart/soul and are different than faith. Gd punishes those with faith. Gd loves soul.
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Heil Odynn Sorry about trying to add some lighthearted humor. You said it yourself - see: "funny!" Please don't get bummed by it. Perhaps, the only way to beat Christian fundamentalism is to apply some humor to it. I know a pastor that does that. The Christian gods, such as the Trinity, need a good dose of ridicule. Judaism teaches humor, for instance the name of the patriarch Isaac also means, "Laughter." Fill the world with laughter. Too many people are angry at the local god mart.
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re Ryan Fish: flesh = is essentially DNA
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Re Dd s: I want the human race to see Christianity as a faulted and broken religion/faith. There is hope, as religions come and go. The best answer I can give is that I believe in humanity can overcome Christianity though scrutiny, and that by doing so; humanity can improve.
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Rosa: I would not just relegate G-d to memory. G-d made himself known at Mt. Sinai to the Jews. What happened there is that the Jews became changed in a very special way. How do I know? The impression G-d left on the Jews has been indelible to their soul as a nation of G-d. It had to be G-d at Mt. Sinai because it could only be absurd if history could have happened some other way.
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Peter: I don't believe this answers any of my questions? Please tell how these words relate to the subject.
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In the "Trinity," which God does the thinking and can they disagree with each other? What is the purpose of having equal minds in the Trinity unless they can disagree with each other? What is the point of the equality of Gods' minds?
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If Jesus was God in the flesh, a human, then he would have to have human DNA. There is no such thing as a human without DNA. But, where did his DNA come from? It must have came from his parents, through sexual reproduction because he wouldn't be human if he had no genetic parents.
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How many penises did Gd have then?
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" the family of God" What family of God, Zeus, Helena, Poseidon, etcetera?
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If G-d is the Holy Spirit, a personage, does that mean that the personage of the Holy Spirit used a His Penis of God in order to impregnate Mary?
Commented on Answering the Biggest Objections to Christianity - Dr Ravi Zacharias Q&A
Why isn't one all powerful Gd sufficient for Christians?
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Commented on Answering the Biggest Objections to Christianity - Dr Ravi Zacharias Q&A
I respect Ravi.
Commented on Answering the Biggest Objections to Christianity - Dr Ravi Zacharias Q&A
Which is more powerful, the Father, the Son, and/or the Holy Spirit? Aren't all of them all-powerful? What is the point of having 3 all-powerful Gods? ~ Why isn't one all powerful Gd sufficient for Christians?!!

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