Dark darkens, it is as a body.
Light is infinite, it is as the soul. It knows no physical boundary.
At death, the body and soul separate. In life, the body is as a receptacle for Light.
How can this be that an infinite soul resides in a finite body? It is because Hashemites are as a dot in a palace.
By that I mean the dot is as wisdom, and the palace is as understanding.
It takes wisdom, which is craftiness, a variable dot of kindling to rise above to start building a palace. It takes understanding to know the materials and logistics necessary to construct a house for a king.
Yet, a king is greater than a dot. In fact, any being with a soul is greater than a dot. Doesn’t a king have people? Yes, he must. Doesn’t a king have an area of dominion? Yes, he must. Every human has a portion of dominion over creation (Genesis 1:26). Absolutely, a king is not confined to his palace. That infinite image of Gd is what we have been created in. It is an image that knows no bounds.
In honor of Rabbi Shammai who on Chanukah snuffed candles until the last day of the holiday: If Light traveled a distance; then it would have to travel infinitely just to get half the way. To get halfway, Light must travel a quarter of the way and yet light would have to travel infinitely to get a half of a quarter of the way. In this way, we see that no matter how far light travels, it travels infinitely. Even if Light travels the extra mile, it travels infinitely past the halfway mark, and so on.
So if light travels infinitely, why is there such a thing as the speed of light? It is because purer light travels faster through media of lesser densities. For example, light traveling through the air will travel faster than light travels through water. However, Hashem’s pure Light is infinite. There is no place anywhere that is completely devoid of Hashem. Even minerals have a portion of the light of Hashem, as we know most of what makes up matter is empty space.